Just wanted to remind people that you’re open to publish posts here. The site gets a lot of requests for book reviews, but far fewer submissions for new posts, even though a post will have a similar impact to a book review. Sure, it’s nice to put in your promo material – “This book rules.” Self-Publishing Review – but the other main point of a book review is to increase awareness of a book. And it’ll cost you nothing to cross-post something from your own blog about your self-publishing experience, or to write something original.

That, or you could fill out the interview seen here. Questions are:

1. How did you come to self-publish? Did you try to get published

2. What self-publishing service did you use? Happy with the service?

3. What avenues have you taken to market the book? Have you gotten
reviews, interviews, TV, print media coverage?

4. What drove you to write this particular book?

5. Is the book in any one particular genre? Is it a genre that’s familiar
to you?

6. Who are your greatest writing influences?

7. What’s your writing regimen? Any tips for keeping focused?

8. Would you self-publish again?

9. Any final words of advice for those looking to self-publish?

If you run another type of service (POD publisher, book marketing, etc.) you’re also welcome to post something. Full information about submissions are here.

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