Publisher Reviews

Self-publishing book services reviewed in detail by SPR’s community of experts and bloggers

Publish America Review

PublishAmerica is a print-on-demand publisher founded in 1999 by Lawrence Alvin Clopper III and Willem Meiners. The company is based in Maryland, United States, and to date, they have published books for more than 40,000 authors (33,279 titles listed on, printing (according to PA) and publishing more books per year than Random House or HarperCollins. The company describe itself as ‘a traditional, advance and royalty-paying book publisher’.

“Publish America
We treat our authors the old fashioned way – we pay them.”

PublishAmerica stress many times on their website (Author Information and FAQ) that they are not a […]

2011-10-15T11:47:14+02:00July 15th, 2010|Categories: Publisher Reviews|Tags: |

Schiel & Denver Review

Founded by authors in April, 2008, Schiel & Denver is pretty much a new kid on the block. One of those founding authors is Director, Tunde Reid-Kapo (3rd comment down on link). Schiel & Denver describe their company as an international publishing services infrastructure provider, dedicated to meeting the needs of authors and creative people, at an affordable cost. The company operate offices in the UK as well as the USA with 55 staff, and until recently, they concentrated on private and corporate publications.

Schiel & Denver has just 14 listed books on Amazon (they do offer bespoke services […]

2011-10-16T09:25:34+02:00May 16th, 2010|Categories: Publisher Reviews|Tags: |

Lulu Has it Together

This was a comment on the Get it Together, Lulu post.  Warrants its own post:

I don’t work for Lulu, but I do work for one of their competitors. And while I find it amusing to see them get bashed by bloggers on a regular basis, there are a few points that I think you should consider when you create your posts.

1. Self-publishing companies have to make money in order to exist. If they can’t make money, then they can’t help people publish their books. So, complaining that they have a profit component to their business model isn’t […]

2011-10-08T18:19:25+02:00May 12th, 2010|Categories: Publisher Reviews|

Distribute to Bookstores! Maybe!


Calling All Self-Published Authors!

Do you yearn to see your book in book chains, your local independent book store, catalogs and on all of the major book-selling websites beside

Would you like to be doing 30 or more broadcast and internet radio shows that showcase and promote personal development authors — and then see your sales leap as a result?

Are you too overwhelmed with work, promotion and coaching to launch a social marketing campaign for your book?

Do you have $7500 and want to give up 30% of sales? So it goes. Nobody ever […]

2011-10-08T18:27:08+02:00May 11th, 2010|Categories: Publisher Reviews|

Get it Together, Lulu

Lulu’s been exhibiting quite a few problems lately.  Here are two posts on Lulu’s mishandling of ebooks and their clients.  The first is reprinted from Mike Cane’s iPad Test blog, titled Lulu And The iBookstore: Say NO!

Get Your eBook in the Apple iBookstore

Don’t do it.

Here’s why.

Lulu says:

ISBNs. Apple requires ISBNs on eBooks. Lulu can assign one for free.

And who will own that ISBN? If you’re getting it for free, I doubt that’s going to be you. See why ISBN ownership matters.

Lulu says:

Validation. Apple has a strict file validation process. All files

2011-10-08T18:27:50+02:00May 10th, 2010|Categories: Lead Story, Publisher Reviews|

Don’t Sign Up for Book Galleries

I can’t say that definitively, as there are possibly success stories in the past, but the likelihood that you’ll sell any books at a showcase – or even that someone will remember your book after seeing it – is small.  This past weekend I went to the LA Times Book Festival, an enjoyable madhouse of booth after booth of publishers/writers, etc. selling their wares.  There were booths for Authorhouse, Xlibris, iUniverse, and Author Solutions.

Fairly daunting, but fascinating.  You can read about 300,000 books being self-published a year, but until you’re in a booth like this one it really […]

2011-10-08T18:28:43+02:00April 27th, 2010|Categories: Publisher Reviews|

America’s Press Review

The growth in self-publishing has led to many book printers presenting themselves as bona-fide publishers or full-on author solutions services when nothing could be further from the case.

America’s Press are a family-owned print business based in League City, Texas run by Joel Turner. They have been book printers since 1963 and now specialize in digital print on demand short print runs for small to medium sized publishers as well as authors looking to self-publish their book in paperback.

America’s Press has been producing commercial printing and specifically book printing since 1963. Digital printing came of age in 1992 and

2020-02-21T04:26:43+02:00March 16th, 2010|Categories: Publisher Reviews|

Original Writing Review

Original Writing has been going in the Republic of Ireland since 2006. Based in Dublin, they claim to be Ireland’s leading self-publishing company.
A few weeks back, Garreth Bonner, Sales and Marketing Manager with Original Writing was interviewed here on this site. You can check out that interview here.

“Original Writing is an Irish self publishing company based in Smithfield, Dublin. Founded in 2006, we have already helped over 100 Irish authors successfully publish their books. At Original Writing we understand the importance of working closely with authors on every aspect of their work. Authors are free to visit

2017-02-12T09:09:02+02:00March 15th, 2010|Categories: Publisher Reviews|Tags: |
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