Book Reviews

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Gracious Nature by Robert J. Tiess

Review: Gracious Nature by Robert J. Tiess

A tender and timely reflection on our beloved planet, Gracious Nature: Poems on Earth and Life by Robert J ...
The Dinosaurs of Appalachia by Alex McLean

Review: The Dinosaurs of Appalachia by Alex McLean

The Dinosaurs of Appalachia by Alex McLean is a vibrant tapestry woven from the threads of prehistoric life, scientific ...
Her Own War by Debra Borchert

Review: Her Own War by Debra Borchert

The divisive tragedy of war pulls a fearless fighter from the vineyard to the front lines in Her Own ...
The Great Being by Bill Harvey

Review: The Great Being by Bill Harvey

An eon-spanning epically creative work of visionary alternate history, The Great Being by Bill Harvey is a sprawling parable ...
The Day of the Space Voyager by James Parker Walker

Review: The Day of the Space Voyager by James Parker Walker

A reluctant hero's journey of self-discovery like no other, The Day of the Space Voyager by James Parker Walker ...
The Last Refuge by Christina Bacilieri

Review: The Last Refuge by Christina Bacilieri

In a once-magical realm now ruled by an iron fist, one young woman must liberate the forces within to ...
From Utopia to the American Dream by John Czingula

Review: From Utopia to the American Dream by John Czingula

From homemade bunkers in rural Hungary to the bright lights of Hollywood, author John Czingula takes readers through the ...
Bargaining Chip by Jim Parker

Review: Bargaining Chip by Jim Parker

Putting a fictional spin on a real-world conflict, Bargaining Chip by Jim Parker is a bold and nuanced reimagining ...

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