James Grimsby

About James Grimsby

James Grimsby is a creative writing major living in the UK, taking time to dabble in animation. He has an interest in the stranger things in life from horror to fantasy and has self-published a few short films online.

Review: Time is for Dragonflies and Angels by J.M. Erickson

★★★★ Time is for Dragonflies and Angels by J. M. Erickson

Time is for Dragonflies and Angels, the new book from sci fi author J.M. Erickson is a collection of short stories in the tradition of the classic science fiction writing compendiums, evoking well-loved writers such as Aldous Huxley and George Orwell, with clear influences from other giants of the genre as we go along.

This is more directly apparent in some stories over others, such as Neurogenesis which is a riff on the ending of Flowers for Algernon, or To See Behind Walls using The Secret Life of Walter Mitty as its key inspiration. It gives the […]

2018-03-16T09:55:32+02:00November 21st, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Woodiss is Willing by Henry Woodiss

Woodiss is Willing by Henry WoodissWoodiss is Willing, edited by George Dalrymple, is a fictionalized account of the life of Henry Woodiss, who gained notoriety in the 1920s in England due to his high-profile affair with the wife of Sir Coningsby Coningsby-Clarke, Lady Edith. Penned by Woodiss himself in a manuscript supposedly finished in the 1960s, he presents his story as comical fiction at the expense of both himself and the myriad figures involved in the debacle.

Despite the comic bent the book takes on the incident, Woodiss writes with sincerity, with glimpses into his genuine feelings. If not for the highly satirical tone and […]

2016-11-15T08:53:10+02:00November 15th, 2016|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Review: Aggravated Momentum by Didi Oviatt

Aggravated Momentum by Didi Oviatt

In the aftermath of a brutal murder, Markie is struggling to find her footing in the world. Aided by her sister, Kam, the two are finally finding ways for Markie to enjoy life again. Unfortunately, life has other plans as tragedy befalls them once more. It soon becomes clear that these events are far from random occurrences, and the only freedom from a life of torment two sisters can find is finding the mastermind behind it all. Complicated and compelling, Didi Oviatt delivers a deadly and exhilarating murder mystery with her new book, Aggravated Momentum.

The mystery of the […]

2019-02-11T09:09:25+02:00November 8th, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: Skunks Dance by St. John Karp

★★★★ Skunks Dance by St. John Karp

Spivey Spillane is an honest guy. He loves his grandmammy, he loves his home, and he would bring ruin to any man who would rob him of his simple happiness. It’s the American way, and it’s God’s too. Unfortunately for the Spillane family name, there is such a man, and he’s running loose across the state of California, tipping cattle and penning indecent plays under the guise of Spillane himself. Oh, and there’s the fortune that only he knows the location of, too. Just one more reason to find Alabama Sam and fill him with lead, really.

Meanwhile, several […]

2020-02-21T06:29:35+02:00November 7th, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , , |

North by Amanda Linehan

North by Amanda LinehanJayne is on the run – from the law, from her past, from herself. Unlikely events conspire to face Jayne with everything she’s tried to put behind her, for better or for worse. Making unlikely friends with a former victim of her crimes, Jayne only has one compass to lead her forward: her heart. She drives north, perhaps to face the family to which she once belonged, or to another life entirely…

North is a stirring read that starts much like an updated retelling of Hitchcock’s “Psycho,” if taken in a completely different direction – if the sad story of […]

2016-10-27T06:52:24+02:00October 27th, 2016|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Closure: An Eli Quinn Mystery by Robert Roy Britt

 	 Closure: An Eli Quinn MysteryMurder rocks the sleepy town of Pleasant, Arizona, and ex-reporter Eli Quinn is on the case. Fresh off his uncertain vacation from his job with the Arizona Republic to track down his wife’s killer, he returns with the perp behind bars, yet he can’t bring himself to slip back into his old life behind a desk. With the encouragement of his close companions, he moves into the seedy world of private investigation, and a shocking murder hits home at the right time for Eli to test his mettle.

The first book of the Eli Quinn series is a gritty, hard-boiled […]

2019-01-24T19:43:10+02:00October 26th, 2016|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

Review: Tomorrow We Die by E.R. Raabe

Tomorrow We Die by E.R. Raabe

In this strange and troubling land, all young men are doomed to turn into dogs and die before they can reach the age of thirty. The curse leaves many with no hope for a future, either hoping for something great at a young age, or simply accepting an empty existence.

Seventeen-year-old Hippolyte Falcor is one such young man, caught up in a life of crime and escaped convictions. When he and his pack of fellows pick the wrong pocket, Hippolyte ends up in the mercy of the law, shackled to bodyguard duty for one Alex mac Fauks. But Alex offers […]

2019-02-11T08:42:44+02:00October 13th, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: Bridget’s Hanging by Sheila Duane

Bridget’s Hanging by Sheila Duane

Bridget’s Hanging by Sheila Duane is the author’s presentation of the historical account of the life and times of Bridget Deignan (a.k.a. Durgan or Dergan) who was sentenced to hang in the town of New Brunswick, New Jersey in 1867. An Irish immigrant from a Catholic upbringing ousted from her home at the age of 22, she became a domestic worker for Coriell in 1866, and she would be charged with the murder of Mrs. Coriell the following year – a crime of which the local community would unerringly find her at guilt for, with or without substantial evidence.

The […]

2019-02-11T09:32:47+02:00October 11th, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |
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