Henry Baum

About Henry Baum

Author of three self-published novels and one traditionally published (Soft Skull Press, Canongate, and Hachette Littératures). Recipient of Best Fiction at the DIY Book Festival, the Gold IPPY Award for Visionary Fiction, and the Hollywood Book Festival Grand Prize. He lives with his wife Cate Baum in Spain. He's the founder of SPR.

North of Sunset by Henry Baum

If there’s an everyman, then Michael Sennet is every celebrity. Michael Sennet is a movie star. He should be happy, but he’s bored. What does he do after he’s achieved the best of everything: the best women, the best cars, the best homes, the best drugs? He doesn’t have an answer. Meanwhile, the Vanity Plate Killer is roaming the streets of Los Angeles looking for new victims and dreaming of fame of his own. When Michael Sennet uses the M.O. of the Vanity Plate Killer, they find something that eclipses any starring role.

North of Sunset would make a […]

2020-02-08T12:11:14+02:00December 26th, 2008|Categories: Book Reviews|

Lulu.com: Free Self-Publishing

Lulu.com is like the Blogspot of self-publishing companies.  If you’re interested in getting a book published, you could have one set up and mailed to you within ten minutes.  It’s really that easy.  All you have to do is upload a PDF or Word file, which the Lulu engine will convert to PDF, select a cover template and book size, and that’s about it: you’ll have a printed book.  In this way, Lulu is a pioneer in self-publishing: the ability to order one book at a time, as needed, rather than bulk ordering books up front.

That’s the difference between […]

2010-01-14T16:48:46+02:00December 26th, 2008|Categories: Publisher Reviews|
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