
About T B Markinson

T.B. Markinson is passionate about reading, traveling, sports, and movies. While living in Colorado she worked at a newspaper in the news and advertising departments. Most recently she has moved from Boston, Massachusetts to London, England. Currently she is working on the draft of her first novel during her work hours and exploring her new city whenever she gets the chance. She loves to read all types of books, including young adult, literature, science fiction, fantasy, mystery, travel writings, history, politics, and biographies.

Review: Sleeping to Death by G. D. Baum ★★★★

sleeping to deathSleeping to Death, by G. D. Baum, is the second book in the Lock Tourmaline murder mystery series.

Lock Tourmaline is a New Jersey private investigator. Lock, a former cop, is working as a bodyguard for Korean druglords. Jason Heung, the brother of the head of the Korean organization, is murdered in prison. Susan Heung wants Lock to find out who murdered her brother since the authorities aren’t looking into his murder.

While trying to solve the mystery, Lock is also dealing with his ex-wife, who wants to buy DVDs that show her performing a sexual act with her […]

2017-03-24T11:03:48+02:00March 24th, 2015|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , , |

Review: Shattered by the Wars by Hi-Dong Chai ★★★★★

shatteredShattered by the Wars, by Hi-Dong Chai, should be required reading. This powerful coming of age memoir is a story of love, faith, suffering, and sacrifice.

Hi-Dong Chai had to overcome many obstacles in such a short amount of time. During World War II, Korea was under Japan’s control. They imprisoned his father because he was a Christian minister who refused to bow down to the picture of the Japanese emperor. His brother volunteered for the Japanese military in hopes to save his father. During the Korean War, his father was taken away by two North Korean officers. He never […]

2017-03-24T11:09:00+02:00March 12th, 2015|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , |

Review: Mom On The Road by Allyson Primack ★★★

momontheroadMom On The Road, by Allyson Primack, is a humorous look into the life of Maggie Stevens.

When Maggie Stevens turned forty, something unexpected happened. She went on the road as her son’s guardian, who was part of a Broadway show touring America. Maggie doesn’t know what to expect. What she finds is herself.

The most enjoyable aspect of this novel is Maggie. She’s neurotic, insecure, energetic, and entertaining. As she tells her story, she doesn’t hold back, including sharing her experience in a hotel bathroom with a vibrator. The reader is told everything that Maggie thinks and feels. […]

2017-03-24T11:08:41+02:00March 11th, 2015|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Blade’s Edge by Virginia McClain ★ ★ ★ ★★

Blade's EdgeBlade’s Edge, by Virginia McClain, is an excellent fantasy novel that will keep readers turning the pages.

The Kisōshi are elite warriors with elemental powers. They have ruled and protected the people of Gensokai for over a thousand years. The belief that there are no female Kisōshi is widespread and unquestioned by most. What the people don’t know is that the Rōjū ruling council has gone to great lengths to perpetuate this myth.

Mishi and Taka knew from a young age they were different from other girls. They also knew to keep their powers a secret. When they are […]

2015-03-19T05:02:30+02:00February 23rd, 2015|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: Just Pru by Anne Pfeffer ★★★★★

Just PruJust Pru, by Anne Pfeffer, is a laugh out loud, heartwarming story about a twenty-five-year-old woman named Prudence Anderson.

Prudence hates her name, and prefers being called Pru. One night, while sitting in her apartment in Los Angeles watching television, a fire erupts in her building and she has to be evacuated. Her apartment is destroyed. She and her cat, Chuck, are suddenly homeless. Pru has two options. Stay with Ellen, a woman who lives in the same building, or go back home to her parents who are controlling. Pru doesn’t know Ellen, but she really doesn’t want to […]

2019-03-05T12:51:54+02:00February 15th, 2015|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , , |

My Day By SPR Reviewer and Author T. B. Markinson

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tb markinson

T.B. Markinson – Senior Reviewer at SPR

Lives: London, UK
Occupation: Writer and Reviewer

T. B. Markinson is an American writer, living in England. When she isn’t writing, she’s traveling the world, watching sports on the telly, visiting pubs in England, or taking the dog for a walk. Not necessarily in that order. T. B. has published A Woman Lost, Marionette, Confessions From A Coffee Shop, and Claudia Must Die. [/box] Hello SPR fans and visitors! My name is T. B. Markinson and I’ve been reviewing books on SPR since 2012. Partnering with SPR […]

2018-05-14T08:18:02+02:00February 6th, 2015|Categories: Interviews|

Review: This Book Belongs To by Daley James Francis ★★★★

this book belongs to

A nine-year-old girl. A magical sketchbook. A huge imagination. A lot of trouble.

When men in hardhats arrive at Amy Carr’s house, she’s old enough to understand that this isn’t a social call. They are there to knock down her house. In the ruins, Amy unearths an old sketchbook. Soon she learns that this isn’t an ordinary sketchbook.

The creatures she draws in this magical sketchbook come alive. The premise behind this book is fun and just as creative as Amy’s imagination in the story. Most middle grade readers are still focused inward and aren’t very aware of the outside […]

2016-07-29T05:15:55+02:00February 3rd, 2015|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , |

Review: Trapped in Time by Clay Brandenburg

Trapped in TimeTrapped in Time, by Clay Brandenburg, is a page-turning time travel novel that transports the reader to 1944 in Nazi Germany.

In 2013, John Cleary, a high school history teacher, is trying to put his life back together. His wife was killed in a car accident. During a camping trip with two of his childhood friends, John is caught in the midst of a meteorological phenomenon that mysteriously transports him to wartorn Germany. He’s trapped in 1944.

Klara Bock, a widow, lives alone on a rural farm. Her only companion is her dachshund, Bratwurst. Klara’s father didn’t support the […]

2015-02-02T09:02:48+02:00January 27th, 2015|Categories: Lead Story|Tags: , |
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