
About T B Markinson

T.B. Markinson is passionate about reading, traveling, sports, and movies. While living in Colorado she worked at a newspaper in the news and advertising departments. Most recently she has moved from Boston, Massachusetts to London, England. Currently she is working on the draft of her first novel during her work hours and exploring her new city whenever she gets the chance. She loves to read all types of books, including young adult, literature, science fiction, fantasy, mystery, travel writings, history, politics, and biographies.

Review: The Song That Seduced Paris by Cindy Irish ★★★★★

The Song That Seduced Paris by Cindy IrishThe Song That Seduced Paris (The Bel Homme Quartet Book 1), by Cindy Irish, is a sexy, stylish, and heartwarming romance.

Teddy Wilson, an American music mogul, knows what it takes to be successful. When he enlists four gorgeous male singers, combining opera and pop, he believes the group will be a worldwide phenomenon.

Gabriel Grenier is an accomplished French singer and celebrity. Yet, he’s bored and lonely.

Annie Morgan, an American music teacher, recently suffered a great loss. Aunt Harriet recruits Annie to be Teddy’s executive assistant. Annie gets more than she bargained for. When she meets Gabriel, sparks […]

2022-10-21T11:53:47+02:00November 12th, 2015|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , |

Review: Katya: A Mystery and Romance by Jon Martell and Jamie McCormick ★★★★

KatyaKatya: A Mystery and Romance, by Jon Martell and Jamie McCormick, explores the depths of personal secrets.

A woman’s body is discovered inside a medieval tower in rural Germany. A detective unaccustomed to investigating suspicious deaths attempts to piece together the clues. He starts to wonder if the events leading to the death go back thirty years and takes place in Germany and America.

What happened in the tower? And are people in today’s world allowed to have secrets?

This mystery is a curious twist on the genre. Officer Max Forscher is a small town policeman and he’s perfectly content […]

2015-12-04T06:32:29+02:00November 11th, 2015|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , |

Review: The Cats of Rekem by C. L. Francisco ★★★★

The Cats of RekemThe Cats of Rekem, by C. L. Francisco, is a thoughtful story about Jesus and his followers told from a feline perspective.

This is the third book in the Yeshua’s Cats series and it opens with the characters from A Cat Out of Egypt twenty-five years later. In the Nabataean city of Rekem there’s religious and political discord. Tikos, Zaidan, their daughter Hinat, and their faithful cats are placed in a dangerous situation when Yeshua and Mari appear before and after the Resurrection. Yeshua makes a request: help save Paul of Tarsus. Can they and what will the consequences […]

2015-12-17T08:27:01+02:00October 30th, 2015|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: Chasing Paper Cranes by Courtney Peppernell

★★★★½ Chasing Paper Cranes by Courtney Peppernell

Chasing Paper Cranes, by Courtney Peppernell, is an inspirational coming of age novel that teaches an important message: when the world crumbles at your feet, the people who help you rebuild are your true friends.

Layla’s father left when she was a young child, but he left behind a book of Japanese legends. Layla always felt drawn to one legend that says if you fold 1,000 paper cranes, your wish will be granted.

Layla meets Sam online and a relationship flourishes. They plan to meet in London and she brings 1,000 paper cranes to give to Sam.

However, […]

2019-01-22T04:37:15+02:00October 27th, 2015|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: The Bootlegger’s Legacy by Ted Clifton ★★★★

The Bootlegger's Legacy by Ted CliftonThe Bootlegger’s Legacy by Ted Clifton takes the reader on a wild ride through Oklahoma’s bootlegging history.

When Patrick Allen, an old-time bootlegger, dies and leaves his son Mike a cryptic letter hinting at millions in hidden cash, Mike and his friend Joe follow the clues. They end up traveling through three states and half a century of history.

The mystery starts with a key, embossed with the letters CB, and a puzzling reference to Deep Deuce, a neighborhood once filled with hot jazz and gangs of bootleggers. But what’s really at stake? Money? Memories? And can Mike handle learning […]

2020-12-23T05:53:10+02:00October 27th, 2015|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , |

Review: Detour Paris by Jack Dancer ★★★★★

Detour Paris by Jack DancerDetour Paris, by Jack Dancer, is a laugh-out-loud romance with a dollop of intrigue.

When Tucker Blue meets Monica Reyes there’s a spark. Tucker has recently reentered the dating world and he’s discovering that the life of a mid-life bachelor is equally exciting and complicated. He’s about to fly to Barcelona with Ebba, his flight attendant girlfriend. However, a last minute passenger kicks Tucker off the plane and now he and Monica are stranded together in the US.

Tucker concocts a crazy idea of catching a flight to London and then taking trains to Barcelona. Even though his girlfriend […]

2016-01-12T10:20:28+02:00October 21st, 2015|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , , |

Review: Xodus by K. J. McPike ★★★★★

Xodus by K. J. McPikeXodus, by K. J. McPike, is an action-packed young adult urban fantasy.

Lali Yavari can’t believe something she just witnessed. Was it a dream even though it seemed so real? It had to be a dream, she rationalizes. But when she continues to witness strange events and seeing people disappear, she can no longer deny something strange is going on and it’s not a dream.

When Kai Awana enrols in her school, Lali learns that she can astral project, an ability she inherited from her mother. Lali’s mother mysteriously left her family weeks before. Kai needs Lali’s help to […]

2015-11-13T06:35:50+02:00October 15th, 2015|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , , |

Review: Mountain Mantras by Kathryn Kemp Guylay ★★★★★

Boys and Other Lessons to be LearnedMountain Mantras: Wellness and Life Lessons from the Slopes, by Kathryn Kemp Guylay, is an inspirational and laugh-out-loud funny guidebook to overcoming life’s challenges.

The author utilizes personal stories to keep readers focused on two topics close to her heart: wellness and life lessons. She shares stories from her humbling adventures learning to ski as an adult. The book outlines her six-step framework to overcome obstacles. These strategies are meant to enable people to fully engage in their own life, while improving health and vitality.

It should be noted, that you don’t have to be a skier or in […]

2020-02-21T07:37:36+02:00October 14th, 2015|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , |
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