Book Reviews

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Review: It Is Myself That I Remake by Jaclyn Maria Fowler

It is Myself that I Remake

From great heartache comes even greater happiness and fulfillment…such is the message beautifully conveyed in It is Myself That I Remake, a hauntingly evocative love story by Jaclyn Maria Fowler.

Sophie O’Connor is the only child of Kerry O’Connor, an Irish-American high school English teacher, and Maggie O’Connor, an American professor of literature. With both parents being literary academics who revere the classics, especially Yeats, it’s no surprise that Sophie is able to finish lines from her father’s favorite Yeatsian verses by age six. From a very young age, Sophie has an imaginary friend who she speaks to all […]

2019-02-11T08:52:24+02:00July 13th, 2017|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , , |

Review: Girl Unseen (Beyond the Grave Book 3) by Athena Daniels

Girl Unseen (Beyond the Grave Book 3)

Writing a great mystery, capturing the soul of true romance, and driving the imagination beyond the world we understand are all tough tasks that certain authors face, but managing to combine all three in the same unforgettable novel is a rare feat. In Girl Unseen, the third installation of the Beyond the Grave series by Athena Daniels, readers are pulled into a paranormal tale of mystery and danger, peppered with plenty of heart-pumping romance and action.

Pia Williams is a key part of the first two novels in this series, but here she takes center stage with her unusual […]

2019-07-12T03:10:23+02:00June 30th, 2017|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , , |

Review: Footsteps in the Dark by Carlo Armenise

★★★★½ Footsteps in the Dark by Carlo Armenise

The most terrifying stories are those that strike close to truth – those that make you question your understanding of the world and your grip on reality. In Footsteps in the Dark: Stories of the Bizarre and Unusual, author Carlo Armenise manages to capture the best elements of strangeness, teasing them out into brief, dark stories that are recognizable, and so all the more chilling.

From gruesome murders and strange bedfellows to magical potions and nightmares that can kill, the book is a fast-paced collection of scary stories that brush against the paranormal, but don’t quite leap over […]

2020-03-10T12:34:44+02:00June 30th, 2017|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: A Killer’s Grace by Ronald Chapman

A Killer's Grace by Ronald Chapman

Many people seek out books as a form of escape – a chance to leave the world behind and live in another person’s thoughts for a time. In A Killer’s Grace, author Ronald Chapman introduces readers to a life they probably don’t understand, but the difficult, probing and personal questions raised throughout this book don’t leave readers much room to escape.

From the very first chapter, we are introduced to Kevin Pitcairn and Daniel Davidson, a journalist and a serial killer, the two key characters that drive this story forward. It all begins with a letter from Davidson, pleading […]

2019-02-11T08:40:41+02:00June 28th, 2017|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , |

Review: Back Side of a Hurricane by Robert Schwab

★★★★ Back Side of a Hurricane

Tucker Nash’s life is about to be hit by a hurricane. As an actual hurricane heads towards South Carolina, Tucker learns that his wife is suffering from a crippling depression that could upend his marriage. When they go to couple’s therapy it unearths more than issues with their marriage. Tucker remembers one of the only good times he had with his father, which sends him on a journey to mend his life. When he meets a car mechanic named Earl Pitney on his travels, he might just bring another man down with him. Like a hurricane, if the wind […]

2017-06-28T04:31:48+02:00June 27th, 2017|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

Review: Terror Trip by Delaney Landon

★★★½ Terror Trip by Delaney Landon

If you have a thing for British suspense novels, Terror Trip by Delaney Landon is for you, especially at a time when the UK is facing its biggest challenges with domestic terrorism since the IRA attacks of the last decades.

Gabriel, a young black man, and his female companions board a train in London, going to Brighton, a seaside town on the South coast, in good spirits. As the journey progresses, they reveal that there are tensions and feelings between them no so obviously apparent. But when they are faced with a terror attack from a group of extremist […]

2017-08-14T11:05:30+02:00June 22nd, 2017|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: The Digital Rabbit Hole by Larry Kilham

The Digital Rabbit Hole by Larry Kilham

In the digital age, we might not know everything, but we generally feel sure we can easily find all the information we need. In The Digital Rabbit Hole, Larry Kilham, experienced businessman and author, suggests that our choice to constantly seek answers in cyberspace may be our worst obstacle to true knowledge and wisdom.

Using the imagery of Alice in Wonderland as Alice descends into a mad and unpredictable world, Kilham illustrates how the digital age poses potential unseen dangers. Smartphones and other devices take away our willingness to solve problems on our own while demonstrably shortening attention spans. […]

2020-02-21T07:48:04+02:00June 17th, 2017|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

Review: Love Yourself Love Your Life by A.P. Filosa, Psy.D.

Love Yourself Love Your Life by A. P. Filosa

Dr. A.P. Filosa is a licensed clinical psychologist based privately in Virginia, using and refining her techniques in the day-to-day operation of her therapeutic practice. She brings over 25 years of clinical experience to the table and incorporates every part of this into the composition of her book, Love Yourself Love Your Life, which aims to bring a revolutionary method of self-help to readers called “shattered analysis.”

Many of the core tenets of Filosa’s doctrine stem from longstanding traditional beliefs and practices in psychological health, to the degree that various claims and general references to scientific findings are rarely […]

2019-02-11T09:41:01+02:00June 16th, 2017|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , , |
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