Editorial Reviews

Shirley F’N Lyle: VIVA the REVOLUTION by Clayton Lindemuth

Shirley F'N Lyle: VIVA the REVOLUTION by Clayton Lindemuth

Fierce, fabulous, and fed up may be the three best ways to describe Shirley F’N Lyle, the titular character of Clayton Lindemuth’s latest series. This plus-sized protagonist deserves those extra letters in her name, as she comes into her significant power to right some serious wrongs and stand up for her squad. Sassy, hard-nosed storytelling swirling between hard-hitting truths about society make this book more than a pulp-fiction pleasure. Shirley F’N Lyle: VIVA the REVOLUTION is a cutting, empowering, and unforgettable tale of heroism in the most unexpected of places.


2019-09-06T09:49:47+02:00September 5th, 2019|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

Free Trade Rocks! by Ray Keating

Free Trade Rocks! by Ray Keating

International trade policy has come to the forefront of global politics, making Free Trade Rocks! 10 Points on International Trade Everyone Should Know by Ray Keating a timely and fascinating read for a suddenly curious demographic. Keating manages to bring this seemingly dull subject to accessible life with real-world examples often torn straight from recent headlines, along with a comprehensive and (mostly) impartial view on the topic. As the exclamatory title suggests, Keating is a fan of free trade, but his deep expertise spanning a wide range of subjects and career paths makes this book an engaging, informative, and essential […]

2019-09-09T05:24:39+02:00September 5th, 2019|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

The Mars One Incident by Kelly Curtis

The Mars One Incident by Kelly Curtis

Imagining the world in 600 years seems like an impossible feat, yet author Kelly Curtis takes an impressive shot in her debut novel, The Mars One Incident. Alma Hattie Johnson is the fascinating hero and space captain at the center of this fast-paced thriller. From clever exposition of the relatively tech-free dystopia on terra firma to the far-flung vision of a galaxy teeming with other civilizations, Curtis has constructed an ambitious and thrilling world that is unexpectedly relatable. Easily accessible for sci-fi lovers and newcomers alike, The Mars One Incident marks the exciting launch of a new sci-fi universe.[…]

2019-09-06T08:42:28+02:00September 5th, 2019|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

BirdDog Boogie by Cliff Yeargin

BirdDog Boogie by Cliff Yeargin

If you’re hungry for a good old-fashioned goofy undercover PI mystery, with a healthy dose of baseball, bad jokes and southern charm, BirdDog Boogie: A Jake Eliam ChickenBone Mystery by Cliff Yeargin is a surefire home run. Beside a deranged and delightful cast of side characters, Jake Eliam is an unexpectedly amusing hero, with a quick wit that keeps him one step ahead of trouble. Cliff Yeargin blends the ridiculous with the addictive, making this a wild little story that’s perfect for an afternoon escape.


2019-09-05T08:58:17+02:00September 4th, 2019|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

Holy C.O.W. Anthology Volume One, Edited by D. Avraham

Holy C.O.W. Anthology Volume One, Edited by D. Avraham

Speculative fiction heavyweights and newcomers alike are gathered in Holy C.O.W. Anthology Volume One: SF Stories from the Center Of the World, a unique and mind-bending collection of new stories. Packed with near-future and pseudo-fiction tales that tackle hot-button issues of today, many centering on the Middle East and its future, this is a fearless and eclectic read, one that will certainly inspire some deeper research and stoke the hearts of sci-fi fans. The value of speculative fiction is on clear display here: the chance to tell marvelous and unforgettable stories, while still grounding the narrative in enough reality […]

2019-09-04T08:41:05+02:00September 4th, 2019|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

The Tao of the Viper by Linda Watkins

The Tao of the Viper by Linda Watkins

For those who love supernatural conspiracies and wickedly clever suspense, The Tao of the Viper by Linda Watkins is an excellent second installment of the Kate Pomeroy mystery series. The novel has something serious to say about the machinations of power, while patiently unveiling a captivating mystery and building on Watkins’ engaging heroine. Fluidly moving between romance and suspense, The Tao of the Viper is a supernatural thriller with teeth, heart, and a visionary mind at the creative helm.


2019-09-03T09:15:01+02:00September 3rd, 2019|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

Myth Agent by L.A. MacFadden

Myth Agent by L.A. McFadden

Myth Agent by L.A. MacFadden is a thrilling new novel about the truth of time travel, and the desperate lengths some will go to keep that truth hidden. Bouncing around the 20th century with eccentric characters like Rosenbaugh and Shatto make this a delightfully intriguing and well-researched read, as well as one that skillfully balances science and fiction. With a great story and a deft pen, MacFadden delivers enough action and suspense for those seeking a quick escape, but also a moderate dose of head-scratching philosophy and scientific theories to give the writing authenticity and depth.


2019-08-30T07:47:53+02:00August 30th, 2019|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

The Journey to Oclesedor (The Legacy of King Jasteroth Volume 2) by S. L. Wyllie

The Journey to Oclesdor (Legacy of King Jasteroth Volume 2) by S.L. Wyllie

The second installment of S.L. Wyllie’s Legacy of King Jasteroth series, The Journey to Oclesedor is a high-fantasy feast for the senses and a thrilling adventure to boot. Following on strong from Volume 1, Princess Ariella and other familiar faces are back with an epic quest before them, a desperate bid to outrun the insidious evil of King Jasteroth and live to fight another day. Overflowing with descriptive passages, vivid battle scenes, mythical monsters and innovative magic, this sophomore release from Wyllie delivers a classic, but visceral thrill.


2019-08-29T07:39:32+02:00August 29th, 2019|Categories: Editorial Reviews|
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