Business Book Reviews

Review: Activate Leadership by Jon Mertz ★★★★

activate Activate Leadership: Aspen Truths To Inspire Millennial Leaders by Jon Mertz sets out the confident and unusual philosophy that, due to the digital landscape, young leaders in business, known here as “Millennials” are connected like aspens on a ski slope, forever rooted together and never alone due to the Internet.

The book is more of an almost spiritual philosophy based on a demographic that the author is looking at from afar, comparing them in turn to the way an aspen tree grows and connects, and the take-homes from that. So while this is a look at an idea that occurred […]

2017-03-24T10:54:50+02:00April 15th, 2015|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

Review: Becoming Generation Flux by Miles Anthony Smith

generation fluxThe invention of retirement and myth of life-long employment are lies that we have accepted as fact, and until recently, have held mostly true.

Becoming Generation Flux: Why Traditional Career Planning is Dead: How to be Agile, Adapt to Ambiguity, and Develop Resilience by Miles Anthony Smith is an eye-opening business book. Just the title alone is a bit terrifying. However, it’s not too shocking given the employment issues the United States has been embroiled in for half a dozen years.

In this book, the author analyzes the changes in the job market and discusses ways for people to survive. […]

2014-11-10T07:39:45+02:00November 10th, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Recognize Them! by Zane Safrit

Recognize Them Zane SafritRecognize Them: 52 Ways to Recognize Your Employees In Ways They Value* Including Your Bosses by Zane Safrit, the CEO of a thriving business with years of entrepreneurial experience, is a can-do manual for respecting and developing your relationships at work when you are leading, or indeed, working as part of a team.

Safrit realized that the key to success is to celebrate successes of his employees and even his bosses, and to share and listen to knowledge of those around him. In this book, he shares 52 of his ideas, enough for one every week of the year, to […]

2014-10-06T11:18:17+02:00September 3rd, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: IQ plus EQ: The Arrow and the Hoisting Crane by Feliciano Bantilan

IQ plus EQFeliciano Bantilan, a veteran stock investor and physicist by training, was struck down by Parkinson’s disease, leaving him unable to work. Lucky for us, however, he has turned his hand to penning exceptional advice for young people interested in approaching the stock market with a new kind of acumen: applying IQ plus EQ.  He says,

IQ refers to intelligence as commonly understood. EQ refers to emotion quotient, or, emotional intelligence. When someone presents you a math puzzle to solve, certain mental operations are set into motion in your brain. The capacity for solving such type of puzzles—we call IQ or

2014-08-16T01:05:03+02:00August 15th, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Self-Publisher’s Legal Handbook by Helen Sedwick

SP-Legal-Handbook-Kindle-coverEach year more and more authors have opted to self-publish. Many of them probably read a how-to guide before venturing into self-publishing. There are many handbooks that are insightful, informative, and helpful. Yet, when a certain topic comes up, most of the authors say that they can’t give any advice since they aren’t experts. What’s the topic? Legal issues.

A lot of people don’t like to think about legal issues. Many more don’t understand or stick their heads in the sand and hope for the best. Helen Sedwick noticed that there weren’t any legal handbooks for self-published authors when she […]

Review: Global Economic Boom & Bust Cycles By Khafra K. Om-Ra-Seti

Global Economic Boom & Bust Cycles: The Great Depression and Recovery of the 21st Century by Khafra K. Om-Ra-Seti is an essay on the economic crises and recoveries of recent years and the predictions of the author of where these circumstances will lead us in the near future, what must change and what has lead us to this situation.

The book predicts a “major global economic collapse” within the next few years that will lead into a period of difficulty that will eventually produce a renovation of the economy similar to previous boom-bust cycles in the past and argues its […]

2019-01-22T17:17:05+02:00September 24th, 2013|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: Why Leadership Sucks by Miles Anthony Smith

The book by author Miles Anthony Smith reads as a meaty and backed-up book choc full of crafted points on business leadership – nothing I haven’t read before, but it was all here in one book and documented thoroughly. I didn’t really fully grasp his rendition of the Level 5 Servant Leadership doctrine (I think some explanation is needed further using the originators of this theory as examples such as Greenleaf or Collins – thankfully I am familiar otherwise would have been lost) but thoroughly enjoyed his “start stop continue” team instruction: telling your team where to stop, start and […]

2014-05-06T22:33:43+02:00March 5th, 2013|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: 5 Core Methods Of Innovation by Sanjeev Sharma

Did you know bees can smell bombs? Or that it could soon be possible to fly from the US to Japan in 30 minutes? Would you like to know exactly how your Kindle works? How could a tree be related to a laptop? Did you know there is a handshake invented to combat Swine Flu? And is SMS more popular in Asia due to people having thinner fingers? Would you like to know how to build a well without going down a hole?

Sanjeev Sharma, a New York-based consultant and US citizen who moved from India in the 90’s, gives […]

2014-05-09T21:21:37+02:00December 5th, 2012|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |
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