Comics & Graphic Novels

SPR at San Diego Comic Fest

SPR went to the San Diego Comic Fest this weekend, where we came across several self-published authors (see our article on self-published comic books), while sharing a stall with LA-based self-publishing press, New Texture, publishers of “Nu Luna”, a sci-fi novel by Andrew Biscontini and “Weasels Ripped My Flesh”, an anthology of vintage mens comic book adventures, as well as Kate Danley, a highly successful self-published novelist whose Maggie McKay book series is now optioned for TV.

New Texture, run by Wyatt Doyle and Sandee Curry have a slew of interesting books on their roster, seen here with New Texture […]

2020-02-21T06:51:15+02:00October 8th, 2013|Categories: Member Blog|Tags: , |

Mad Magazine Illustrator Self-Publishes

I can’t claim to entirely know the market for comics, but this story seems pretty significant. An illustrator for Mad Magazine decided to self-publish his collection of caricatures via his own imprint, Deadline Demon Publishing. Given his connection to big time publishing, he likely could have gotten a deal, but he weighed his options and saw self-publishing as the better choice.

Interestingly, what separates comics from fiction is that you can tell on first glance if the book is worth buying. Looking at his cover (and his credits), you can clearly tell that he’s a good artist, which makes […]

2020-02-21T06:32:27+02:00October 31st, 2011|Categories: News|Tags: |
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