
10 Things I’ve Learned from Reading Romance Novels

Usually I’m a big reader of autobiographies, biographies, non-fiction history, and all other snobby-type books. But after a 12-hour workday sometimes I just want to forget who I am and pretend to be someone younger, prettier, sexier, etc., etc. So yeah, I read romance novels to relax. There! I’ve admitted it. Go ahead and mock me. Because you are too pretentious to read romance novels, I thought I’d share what I’ve learned from them.

1. There are a lot of 20-something billionaires out there.

I sure as hell wish I knew this when I was younger but apparently it’s true. […]

2020-02-21T06:29:48+02:00September 16th, 2013|Categories: Member Blog|Tags: |

Review: Grim Reaping by Anthony Lund

I’m not sure many people would volunteer for the job of Death. It’s not an easy occupation, which involves collecting all of the souls of those who have perished. The list keeps growing, no matter how hard and fast he works. But it’s a job that Grim Alfonso Reaper takes seriously.

Anthony Lund’s Grim Reaping, is a humorous tale about the Grim Reaper. Even though his job is daunting, usually everything goes according to plan for Grim. He shows up at the moment someone dies, asks them a few questions, and sends them on to their eternity either in […]

2012-12-27T13:43:49+02:00December 27th, 2012|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: The Life and Times of Car Johnson by Rebekah Webb

The Life and Times of Car Johnson by Rebekah Webb is a comedic biography of a fictional character. One could almost say my reading experience of this book was a trip.

The book is presented in first-person, as though the character is dictating. During the first few chapters, I thought I was reading a transcript of a stand-up routine. In the beginning I was thinking, this is decently written comedy but when does the story begin? Surely a “life and times” includes a story?

I hung in with the book because the material has a flow. I felt I was […]

2020-02-21T06:29:53+02:00November 27th, 2012|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |
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