
Review: Creating Christianity: A Weapon of Ancient Rome by Henry Davis

Creating Christianity: A Weapon of Ancient Rome by Henry Davis

Since there is very little historical evidence of the existence of Jesus of Nazareth, many researchers, including author Henry Davis, assert that not only his person, but also the religion founded around him, were invented after his passing. Such is the case the Creating Christianity: A Weapon of Ancient Rome, a fascinating and thoroughly researched examination of this contentious topic.

Davis’s main thesis is that the gospels and other New Testament books were written not by Jewish/Christian scholars such as Matthew, Luke or Paul, but were fabricated by an aristocratic Roman family with the name Piso, notably Arrius Flavius […]

2019-02-25T13:17:13+02:00January 10th, 2019|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Mother Teresa Canonized or Crucified by Gerard

A Catholic Christian writer asserts that the Vatican sought to prevent the canonization of Mother Teresa, the Albanian-born nun who created a community convent in the slums of Calcutta, in Mother Teresa Canonized or Crucified: Liberate Catholic Church from the Corrupted Kingdom of Vatican.

Author Gerard presents his case against the Catholic hierarchy with a combination of cold logic and heated diatribe. He believes the loving service of Mother Teresa should serve as an example for all Christians and that the Church should open the roles of priestess and bishopess, cardinal and even Pope, to women, giving Catholic men […]

2019-01-11T13:38:51+02:00December 15th, 2018|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: The Bible in a Nutshell by Dele Babalola

The Bible in a Nutshell by Dele Babalola

A scientist and a Christian, Dele Babalola has composed a book of Biblical analysis directed towards those of his faith and any others who want to share in the blessings of the coming end times in his treatise The Bible in a Nutshell: An Invaluable Aid to Understanding Creation, Life, The Rapture, End Times, Death and The Afterlife.

Beginning at the creation of all life, Babalola points out correctly that science is still baffled over the precise way the universe came into being. He examines the many theories – Big Bang, primordial soup – yet none of these show […]

2019-01-22T10:30:00+02:00December 14th, 2018|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , |

Transcending Vision: Christian Theology in an Age of Empiricism by Don McIntosh

Transcending Vision: Christian Theology in an Age of EmpiricismChristian writer Don McIntosh effectively demonstrates how Christianity is relevant for all people and for all times, despite the modern, scientific and humanist tendency to downplay its eternal truths in Transcending Vision: Christian Theology in an Age of Empiricism.

The author speaks of the opposition of empiricism (that proof must come from experience) and foundationalism (that proof can be, and often is, accepted on faith). Faith, or fideism, is a virtue precisely because it offers no evidence. Jesus did not ask for intellectual understanding. The God of Christianity wants us to vest our hopes in Him, acknowledging that our […]

2018-11-07T10:15:25+02:00November 6th, 2018|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

The Traps That Satan Laid by Danica Ked

The Traps That Satan LaidAustralian author Danica Ked chronicles the demonic visitations that filled her life as she battled with schizophrenia in The Traps That Satan Laid: Overcoming the Devil and Other Demons in the Power of Jesus Christ.

At age seven the author began to have seizures and blackouts. By her teens she began exploring a “daydream world.” Satanic beings threatened to kill her, tempted her with lust, or overwhelmed her with secular influences. Yet she often heard hymns or the voice of God, who several times saved her, she believes, from sin or death. She was once consigned to a locked […]

2018-06-15T09:29:19+02:00June 15th, 2018|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

The Fog of Faith by Dr. Leona Stucky

The Fog of Faith by Dr. Leona Stucky

In an emotionally charged memoir, The Fog of Faith: Surviving My Impotent God, author Dr. Leona Stucky suggests that religion may indeed offer hope, though not always in the ways we expect.

Raised in a Mennonite farming community, and one of seven children, the author began questioning religion in her late teens. Her loving mother contracted MS, becoming wheelchair-bound, and her father struggled to cope without his wife’s participation; farm work was grueling, and money was scarce. Stucky tried repeatedly to escape her abusive and threatening boyfriend, discovering that the law often sided with her abuser. She felt hopeless, […]

2018-05-09T10:16:12+02:00April 4th, 2018|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , , |

Shed Your Chaos by Glenn C. Stewart

Shed Your Chaos by Glenn C. StewartIn Shed Your Chaos, author Glenn C. Stewart observes that many people are deficient in basic life skills, and believes that helping others as a Christian means imparting skills to reorganize – whether they are in a chaos of disorderliness or a pattern of high structure arrayed around the wrong priorities. This book aims to declutter people’s lives through a Christian perspective.

A bestselling author, church leader, motivational speaker, and human behavior consultant, Stewart begins with the basics: time and place. He implores people to set an inner compass towards God’s “true north,” and  synchronize activities around God’s guidance […]

2018-05-09T10:20:03+02:00October 26th, 2017|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , , |

Review: This Gospel of the Kingdom by Ricardo Taylor

This Gospel of the Kingdom by Ricardo Taylor

Preacher and author Ricardo Taylor explains the difference between commonly conceived facts about the mission of Jesus, and the truths he sees clearly stated in the Bible, in This Gospel of the Kingdom: Heaven’s Reign over the Earth.

Taylor is convinced from his studies that the often-predicted apocalypse so many Christians believe is imminent has, in fact, already occurred. The predictions made by Jesus of the “End Times” were actually an accurate description of events already taking place: the functional end of Old Testament codes with the coming of the new spiritual template, that of Jesus the Christ. That […]

2019-02-11T09:44:59+02:00September 19th, 2017|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |
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