Science Fiction

Review: Devel Django: A Dark Wave Journey by D.S. Quinton

Devel Django: A Dark Wave Journey by D.S. Quinton

Seeking the ultimate answers to where we came from and why life exists can set a brilliant foundation for any suspenseful novel, and author D.S. Quinton does just that with Devel Django: A Dark Wave Journey. Brilliantly melding elements of sci-fi futurism with ancient significance, alien life and the evolution of humanity, this book is difficult to put down in a way that will stay with you long after reading.

When a meteor storm strikes in the mountains of Italy, the unfortunately named Dr. Brad Bradley, happens to be in the right place at the right time. As a […]

2018-12-05T12:12:38+02:00December 3rd, 2018|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

Review: The Yin and Yang of an Electrical Conductor by Jose Scaramanga

The Yin and Yang of an Electrical Conductor by Jose Scaramanga

A wild, mind-bending tale, The Yin and Yang of an Electrical Conductor proposes a fascinating world where one can have a chat with an eminent scholar from the Age of Reason, or a holy man from thousands of years ago. While the title of the novel might sound like it belongs to a daunting textbook, this is actually a wildly imaginative sci-fi novella that eliminates the boundaries of space and time in search of existential truth, and shares a good bit of knowledge about physics along the way.

In this oddly charming adventure, readers are taken from Neolithic times to […]

Review: The Awakening: Fate in Motion by Suzanne Boisvert

The Awakening: Fate in Motion by Suzanne Boisvert

For anyone who loves a conspiracy-laced sci-fi thriller, The Awakening: Fate in Motion by Suzanne Boisvert is a standout new novel that will keep you satisfied from start to finish. A decidedly dark read, this book combines real-world fears, far-fetched conspiracy theories, ancient religious sects, invading aliens and government coverups in a masterful, unpredictable page-turner.

The main premise of the novel is that an ancient, evil force, Sar, long banished from Earth and awaiting a return to rule, has finally reawakened. Infiltrating the planet through the very highest halls of power, his takeover seems unobstructed, given the petty squabbles and […]

2019-01-22T10:32:04+02:00October 19th, 2018|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , |

Review: Twilight’s Last Glory by Stephen C. Perkins

Twilight's Last Glory by Stephen C. Perkins

If you have ever suspected that professional sports may be slightly more engineered than people understand, Twilight’s Last Glory by Stephen Perkins is a perfect, conspiracy-laden read.

Sometime in the not-too-distant future, the shadowy powers behind American football launch a scheme to capture an even larger portion of the world’s attention. Blending organized crime, corrupt head honchos and even a touch of sci-fi and fantasy, this futuristic thriller will appeal to a wide range of readers.

The Octagonal is a secret society based in London, composed of an elite group of bankers, financiers and mystics with bizarre powers. As is […]

Review: Julia’s Memories and The Interflow of Things (Amor Mundi Books 1 & 2) by Dave Dröge

Julia's Memories and The Interflow of Things

Reading a novel doesn’t always mean one should trust the narrator, and in Julia’s Memories and The Interflow of Things, an omnibus of the Amor Mundi series, this complex challenge comes to the forefront. Set in the somewhat distant future, the world has changed in many ways, but the true depth of that shift doesn’t become apparent until the critical turn of this double-stacked book.

The book begins with a long, detailed account of Julia’s life – in memoir form – from her youngest years until her present-day success as an artist in the year 2050. This section of […]

Review: Profit Wars by Mac Whitesides

Profit Wars by Mac Whitesides

Sometimes the near future can be far more terrifying than some far-distant dystopian hellscape, and in Profit Wars, author Mac Whitesides hits close to home with a tale set only a stone’s throw ahead of humanity’s present day.

In the year 2020, war has finally shed its façade and revealed itself as a game of profit. Victory goes to the highest bidder, particularly when you have the Global Force Protection (GFP) fighting in your corner. This massive global corporation can basically shift the tides of world power, selling its elite mercenary services for almost any cause.

Even those who […]

2019-01-22T05:41:26+02:00September 25th, 2018|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , , |

Galactic Mandate: A Radical Cause by M.R. Richardson

Galactic Mandate by M.R. Richardson

Being the heir to galactic reign may seem like the foundation of an easy life, but in the incredible world of Galactic Mandate, author M.R. Richardson turns that assumption on its head.

Devante, the protagonist of this story, is a troubled young man whose loyalties become savagely split, and as his destiny is revealed, he must choose between what he has been trained for, and the truth he knows in his heart. The galaxy is divided and heading for a catastrophic conflict between the Clone Defense Force and the Acolyte Empire. This is far from a simple story of […]

2018-09-11T10:38:34+02:00September 11th, 2018|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

Review: Cold Solar by Anthony C. Robinson

Cold Solar by Anthony C. Robinson

There is always an envelope to be pushed in the realm of sci-fi, and in Cold Solar, author Anthony C. Robinson smashes together unlikely companions in an incredibly creative setting, delivering a memorable and violent romp through a terrifying future. The complex premise and deeply interwoven characters, combined with Robinson’s unpredictable plot lines, makes for a genre-defying novel that reads fast and feverish.

In this visionary future, the dominant corporation that essentially rules Earth is rapidly flying towards a conflict with their oppressed colonies on Mars. While a Mars-Earth battle plot is not unique in the genre, this story […]

2019-08-14T12:29:40+02:00September 7th, 2018|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |
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