Henry Baum

About Henry Baum

Author of three self-published novels and one traditionally published (Soft Skull Press, Canongate, and Hachette Littératures). Recipient of Best Fiction at the DIY Book Festival, the Gold IPPY Award for Visionary Fiction, and the Hollywood Book Festival Grand Prize. He lives with his wife Cate Baum in Spain. He's the founder of SPR.

Béla’s Letters by Jeff Ingber

Béla's Letters by Jeff IngberBéla’s Letters by Jeff Ingber is a work of historical fiction so closely tied to history that it reads more like a moving non-fiction account. Inspired by Ingber’s family history, the novel spans eight generations, beginning with Béla who endures the horrors of the Holocaust, and the terrible aftermath where survivors feel guilt, sorrow and immeasurable pain trying to put their lives back together. Woven through the novel are letters to Béla from his family, which serve as a tragic historical window of the period, as horrifying events unfold in real time.

The letters are the strongest component of Ingber’s […]

2016-04-11T13:15:13+02:00April 11th, 2016|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

Review: Edge of Infinity by Larry Don Garcia

★★★★  Edge of Infinity by Larry Don Garcia

Edge of Infinity by Larry Don Garcia paints a portrait of the world far into the future: the Earth has been subjected to devastating earthquakes, fossil fuel is now obsolete, and religion is on the wane. Jefferson Alvarez is sent on a quest throughout the galaxy, which ends with him finding answers to questions about God and faith – questions that have been long since abandoned by many on Earth. His answers will begin an upheaval for the human race greater than any that has come before – one that will change humanity forever.

Garcia’s novel has no shortage […]

2016-04-29T11:42:32+02:00April 11th, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Rescuing America’s Democracy From Its Collapsing Morality by Savannah Jordan

Rescuing America's Democracy From Its Collapsing MoralityRescuing America’s Democracy From Its Collapsing Morality by Savannah Jordan is a polemic about how America has gotten off the path of helping all of its citizens. In a culture that is seeped in celebrity worship, drug abuse, homelessness, and a litany of other problems that are not being adequately addressed, something is seriously amiss. Jordon covers everything from evolutionary biology to religion to specific policies that can help the country get back on track.

With a title like “Collapsing Morality,” one could be led to believe that the book focuses specifically on religion, but this is not the case.  […]

2016-04-05T12:09:05+02:00April 5th, 2016|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

Joseph Van Pearce and the Prophecy of the Dragon’s Head Medallion by C.C. Brampton

Joseph Van Pearce and the Prophecy of the Dragon's Head MedallionJoseph Van Pearce and the Prophecy of the Dragon’s Head Medallion by C.C. Brampton follows Joseph Van Pearce, a moody teenager who’s lost his father, tearing his family apart, and he can’t focus on much of anything. His luck’s about to change when he finds a mysterious photograph, which leads him to discover that he’s the guardian of a mysterious medallion. Meanwhile, he’s being followed by an evil crow-like creature that wants the powerful Dragon’s Head Medallion for itself, and now Joseph has to save his family in more ways than one.

The novel is a great mixture of modern-day […]

2016-04-05T12:17:29+02:00April 5th, 2016|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

Fracktured by Lance Simmens

Fracktured by Lance SimmensFracktured by Lance Simmens is a political novel following the lives of three people: a politician and his wife, and a madam, all trying to navigate a world in which the political system is broken, affecting all our lives. Primarily, the book centers around the fossil fuel industry, and society’s addiction to oil. Far from touting “Drill, Baby, Drill” this is an anti-fracking novel to the core, exposing how toxic fracking has become: both in what it does to communities, and how toxic the political discourse has become.

There’s a danger in a policy wonk writing a work of fiction […]

2019-01-22T06:13:46+02:00April 5th, 2016|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

An Interview with Pamela Capone, Author of I Punched Myself in the Eye

Pamela CaponeBy day, a self-professed professional unpaid people watcher and evidence gatherer, and by night, an insomniac dot connector, Pamela Capone lives in Southern California with her husband, John. They have two fabulous adult children together, Joey and Cassie.

Tell us something about your book. The basics: what’s it about? Is there a particular highlight in this whole process?

My book is a collection of essays–real life, sometimes hard-to-believe-but-are-true stories. I think sometimes we watch for the flashing Vegas marquis sort of thing—or a booming voice from the heavens—but I’ve found epiphanies happen in the most unexpected ways, like the morning […]

2016-03-17T10:23:06+02:00March 17th, 2016|Categories: Interviews|Tags: |

Iapetus Shift by Jonas David

Iapetus Shift by Jonas DavidIapetus Shift by Jonas David is an innovative science fiction novella about a world where people can shape-shift by stealing people’s DNA via nanobots. Olan is falling apart due to his constant shape-shifting, and one last kill will put him together again for good. Unfortunately for Olan, it doesn’t go well, and to avoid prison he’s roped into a final job: kidnapping someone in a government facility on Mars and transporting her to Saturn’s moon, Iapetus.

Though Iapetus Shift is called a novella, it’s a sizable book, clocking in at 137 pages, so the book doesn’t feel like a fleshed […]

2016-03-17T06:33:05+02:00March 17th, 2016|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Send Flowers (Shotgun John and Scorpion Book 1) by Mike Crowley

Send Flowers (Shotgun John and Scorpion Book 1) by Mike CrowleySend Flowers (Shotgun John and Scorpion Book 1) by Mike Crowley is a pulse-pounding thriller about an ordinary man on the run from the CIA for a crime he did not commit. John Griffin finds his workplace, a pharmaceutical lab, in flames, which puts him on the terror watch list and hounded by government officials. The lab has been working on the cure for a disease, and a corporate executive thinks it’s more profitable if the lab never discovers the cure. John must find the cure and band together with a group of citizens to fight the highest trenches of […]

2016-03-16T11:55:39+02:00March 16th, 2016|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |
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