
Review: The King of No by Loyall Wilson

The King of No by Loyall Wilson

In a perfect world, we could trust those to whom we open our lives, but when it comes to money, it truly can be the root of all evil. In The King of No: A Financial Firefighter by Loyall Wilson, the author takes us through a series of personal anecdotes from his time as a Chief Compliance Officer of a large investment firm. Wilson’s position meant that he was on the front lines of defending against fraud and financial crimes, and was able to form relationships with people whose lives and trust were damaged – or nearly destroyed – by […]

2019-06-20T07:39:19+02:00May 22nd, 2019|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , , |

Review: Splitting Bits by Joseph Gelet

Splitting Bits by Joseph Gelet

For the better part of a century, our economic system has remained largely unchanged, and given the dynamic nature of modern society, the evolution of currency was a natural and unavoidable outcome. In Splitting Bits: Understanding Bitcoin and the Blockchain, author Joseph Gelet brings this fascinating and ever-changing new area of finance into clearer focus, and also explains where it is headed.

For many people, Bitcoin registered barely a blip on the radar 5 years ago, and largely remained that way until the past year or so, when this new financial paradigm hit international headlines with massive value increases […]

2019-04-08T08:07:15+02:00April 7th, 2019|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

Review: Make It Rain: Increase Your Wealth & Financial Security by Vercie Lark

Make It Rain: Increase Your Wealth & Financial Security by Vercie Lark

A successful investor offers personal and professional tips for others to follow in the practical and encouraging financial planning guide, Make It Rain: Increase Your Wealth & Financial Security.

Basing his advice on his own investment strategies, Lark’s book begins by asserting that amassing wealth is part of the American dream. To fulfill that dream, start with education: it’s a proven fact that those with better education earn more money. It’s also true that to amass wealth, one has to have discipline. Set an educational goal and follow through with it by completing high school, college or a trade […]

2019-03-20T07:29:02+02:00March 18th, 2019|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , , |

Review: 2018 Tax Reforms: And What It Really Means for You by C D Leonard

2018 Tax Reforms – And What It Really Means for You?

2018 Tax Reforms: And What It Really Means for You, C D Leonard’s examination of the new tax laws of 2018, is a well-organized, accessible analysis of a generally complex subject.

In this comprehensive overview, Leonard aims to clarify both the facts and the myths regarding the new US legislation known as the Tax Cut and Jobs Act (TCJA) enacted this year by the Trump administration. Because the details of the TCJA can be daunting to a layperson, Leonard endeavors here to try to explain the basics of the new legislation to those who will be affected by it.[…]

2019-01-22T15:29:49+02:00August 28th, 2018|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , , |

Review: The Imaginary Economy by Mario Fabbri

The Imaginary Economy by Mario Fabbri

A pioneering Italian businessman reveals hidden truths about the framework of modern economics in The Imaginary Economy: A New Conception.

Beginning with the proposition that standard economic theory is based on “egregious mathematical mistakes” that don’t fit with real life, author Mario Fabbri notes that economic growth in the US from its inception until now has been amazingly stable – 1.9% per annum. There have been some deviations, as during the Great Depression, but these quickly self-correct. Why then do economists and politicians continue to assert that a particular policy or method would make huge changes in our economy?[…]

2022-03-25T05:43:48+02:00August 19th, 2018|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , , , |

The Millennial Roadmap to a Rich Life by Jeremy Kho

The Millennial Roadmap to a Rich LifeThere’s a lot of talk about Millennials in the business world, and a slew of books written about them – this is because thinking goes that employing Millennials can be highly beneficial to your business, but some find it a high-risk strategy. Jeremy Kho explains a different angle – how Millennials can deal with these attitudes, and how they themselves can achieve success and riches for themselves, in his new book, The Millennial Roadmap to a Rich Life: The Stress Less Guide to Succeed in Your Financial Life. Kho himself is a Millennial investor, and understands money, and he puts […]

2019-01-22T15:30:06+02:00December 22nd, 2016|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

Review: How To Reverse World Recession by Dr. Niaz Ahmed Khan

★★★ reverse recession

How To Reverse World Recession by Dr. Niaz Ahmed Khan is an ambitious and unique vision of the future.

For readers who are experienced or interested in tax law, banking, governmental activities, economics, poverty conditions, and a dozen other major issues affecting the world today, this bold new book from Dr. Niaz Ahmed Khan will be nothing short of fascinating. It is a comprehensive outline of where the world currently stands, and an unexpectedly radical proposal of where our global society could be.

The proposed plan for a new economic system would revolutionize everything that we currently accept in […]

2019-01-22T15:30:15+02:00September 21st, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , , |

Review: PURR Passive Income Power™ by Bradley Morgan

★★★★ PURR Passive Income Power™ by Bradley Morgan

If you’re looking for a high-energy introduction to making money in the digital age, then PURR by Bradley Morgan is a wonderful place to start. With his unique branding, complete with a bevy of acronyms and trademarked self-improvement techniques, Morgan takes readers through the many ups and downs of working for yourself, and generating passive income along the way.

The process is pitched in a straightforward way, and while the inspirational quotes peppered throughout can be slightly disruptive, the intention of the book is clear and admirable. Bradley Morgan comes across as a man who was once forced to […]

2016-09-30T09:44:49+02:00September 6th, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |
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