
Review: Money Rx by Joseph C. Newtz

★★★★ Money Rx by Joseph C. Newtz

Money Rx: Your Prescription for Financial Success by Joseph C. Newtz provides a font of wisdom from a humble advisor.

Most books that promise to improve your life or give you expert advice tend to be self-aggrandizing and can even be condescending at times. On the other hand, there are books like Money Rx that are straightforward and refreshingly honest. This book doesn’t make any unrealistic promises, but it does break down various issues of financial management into elements that are easy to understand, even for a layperson.

Starting with a blunt account of who the author is, how […]

2019-01-22T15:30:29+02:00September 5th, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Debt Cleanse by Jorge P. Newbery

Debt CleanseDebt Cleanse: How To Settle Your Unaffordable Debts For Pennies On The Dollar (And Not Pay Some At All) by Jorge P. Newbery is just about the most comprehensive guide to getting out of debt without losing your credit rating you could possibly find. While most debt guides concentrate on one area of debt, Newbery has been through huge amounts of debt himself and came out the other side after going through the courts and dealing with banks and repo men several times over, so he knows how to navigate just about every single area of debt anyone could need […]

2019-01-22T15:30:37+02:00March 18th, 2016|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , , |
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