Francis Hamit

Starmen by Francis Hamit

Starmen by Francis HamitA richly imagined tale of cowboys, aliens, and an ethnographic clash of cultures, Starmen by Francis Hamit is a genre-bending adventure with enough historical touchstones to brilliantly blur the line between fact and fiction.

In this slightly alternate universe, legendary anthropologist George James Frazer travels to El Paso, Texas in 1875 as a young man, acting as the ‘advance man’ for an aeronautical angel from Liverpool with a dirigible at her command. His academic fascination with native cultures, myths, and traditions soon leads him into the secretive world of the local Apaches, as well as the investigative purview of the […]

2024-01-23T15:32:04+02:00January 23rd, 2024|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , , |

The Shenandoah Spy by Francis Hamit

Note: Guest reviewed by Tom Baum, who happens to be the father of the editor of the Self-Publishing Review, as well as the author of the novel Out of Body, the children’s book Hugo the Hippo, screenplays for film and TV, and theatre.  As Francis Hamit is a writer for this site, I thought it best to have someone impartial review the novel.

Charlize Theron, call your agent.  In The Shenandoah Spy, Francis Hamit has cast into brilliant light a character from history any actress would kill to play—Belle Boyd, the first American female Army […]

2024-01-23T15:03:54+02:00March 2nd, 2009|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |
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