Howard E. Carson

An Interview with Howard E. Carson: Co-Author of All The Big Ones Are Dead

Howard E. CarsonHoward E. Carson was born in Winnipeg, Canada and followed a path that took him through careers in music, theatre, education and research. For over thirty years he has been a writer, investigative research specialist and book editor living in Toronto. His extensive travels in Europe, the U.S. and Canada provide the perspective and the wonderful backdrops for much of his research and writing.

Tell us about your book.

All The Big Ones Are Dead is a spy thriller. The trade in illegal elephant ivory and rhino horn is the tip of an iceberg made of money used to finance […]

2019-06-24T07:04:48+02:00June 24th, 2019|Categories: Interviews|Tags: |

Review: All the Big Ones Are Dead by Christopher A. Gray and Howard E. Carson

All the Big Ones Are Dead by Christopher A. Gray and Howard E. Carson

If we have learned one thing as a species, it is that evil can come in many forms, but the higher up the chain of criminality you go, the more things become interconnected in a murky, sinister web of corruption, greed, violence, and lies. In All the Big Ones Are Dead by the talented writing team of Christopher A. Gray and Howard E. Carson, the seedy underworld linked to the illegal animal trade is exposed in brilliant and disturbing detail.

When it comes to the illegal trade of ivory from elephant tusks and rhino horns, the first sin is the […]

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