J. Boyett

Review: Daughter of the Damned by J. Boyett

Daughter of the Damned by J. Boyett

In Daughter of the Damned, author J. Boyett has created a riveting world of intrigue and magic, where mages and demons and monsters are cleverly embedded in a humanistic and believable plot.

Carol, in search of revenge and answers for a tragedy that once befell her mother, has teamed up with Snake, a brutal and talented bounty hunter. Finding Harold, the man who Carol holds responsible for her pain, it quickly becomes apparent that there is a much greater evil to handle than the dark shadows of Carol’s past. Potential enemies become allies, or at least temporary partners, in […]

2019-01-16T08:18:40+02:00December 16th, 2018|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

The Unkillables by J. Boyett

The Unkillables by J. Boyett

Blending genres is a popular approach in modern literature, as these fusions have endless potential for new revelation, so clearly shown in The Unkillables, a surprising dark horse of a novel that pits cavemen against zombies, with a few time travelers thrown in for good measure.

Gash-Eye and Chert stand at the center of this strange story – she a clever Neanderthal prisoner, and he a stubborn Cromagnon ruler, bound by a child and their determination to survive in a rapidly changing world of zombies and death. Romance takes a distant backseat to the action of the tale, but […]

2019-01-21T09:36:44+02:00November 16th, 2018|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , , |
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