Jerry Schaefer

Isn’t It Kind of Funny That… by Jerry Schaefer

Isn't It Kind of Funny That... by Jerry Schaefer Visionary investigations into the self and challenging existential questions fill the pages of Isn’t It Kind of Funny That…, a mind-opening read by author Jerry Schafer, with illustrations by Gabriel Berron.

The questions posed in this engaging and welcoming tome are put forward in a nearly playful way, but they hit at some of the most paradoxical trends in human nature: our variable/situational trust in science, our constant cognition as an obstacle, our stubbornness towards progress, and our fear of potentially beneficial change, among others. By prying into the metacognitive realms, Schafer is able to use simple language and […]

2021-12-07T08:53:02+02:00December 7th, 2021|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , , |

Review: The Story of You by Gerald Schaefer

The Story of You by Gerald Schaefer

In The Story of You, a brightly illustrated book for thoughtful children, author Gerald Schaefer finds straightforward yet colorful ways to help overcome many of life’s negative moments.

Schaefer opens his story with a welcome to our world of flowers, hummingbirds, and other natural phenomena, which help to build the notion of the connectedness of all life. He states that trees and flowers, for example, “appreciate” being looked at; our gaze perks them up in various ways, and makes us feel good, too. Inside each of us is another self, an “invisible you,” Schaefer reveals; though it can’t be […]

2021-12-07T03:49:22+02:00November 17th, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , |

Women: Down Through the Ages by Jerry Schaefer

Women: Down Through the Ages by Gerald Schaefer

Women: Down Through the Ages by Jerry Schaefer is a sweeping, millennia-spanning study of how women have been categorically, intentionally, and cruelly excluded as equals in society. Whereas women were once revered as life bringers, worshipped as goddesses, and deferred to in matters of leadership, which drastically changed over the course of the past 2,500 years, this book outlines how and why that evolutionary regression took place.

In a raw and brutally honest historical review, Schaefer addresses a laundry list of areas where women have been forbidden from progress – from religious customs that have metastasized to define social and […]

2021-12-07T03:49:14+02:00September 30th, 2021|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |
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