Jesse Nolan Bailey

Review: The Spawn of Spiracy by Jesse Nolan Bailey

The Spawn of Spiracy by Jesse Nolan Bailey

Jesse Nolan Bailey unveils another epic journey in The Spawn of Spiracy, the second installment of his Disaster of Dokojin series, a high fantasy of the highest order.

After narrowly avoiding defeat in Book 1, the Sachem’s plans to turn on the Decayer Device and summon Spiracy remain alive. The dokojin in disguise has the Stone of Elation and is threatening to merge the realms, which would release untold darkness across the Unified Tribes. In the face of impending devastation, Jalice still believes she can heal the Sachem of his afflicted mind, but success may just cost her […]

2022-03-25T05:51:15+02:00February 28th, 2022|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: The Jealousy of Jalice by Jesse Nolan Bailey

The Jealousy of Jalice by Jesse Nolan Bailey

Childhood friendship, tribal loyalty, and the bonds of magic are tested in The Jealousy of Jalice, a riveting and brilliantly penned novel from author Jesse Nolan Bailey. This female-led fantasy adventure features visceral descriptive language, an endlessly creative new world, uniquely relatable characters, and a fine balance of emotional intrigue and enrapturing action.

Annilasia, Delilee, and Jalice were once childhood friends, but the years have taken them in very different directions. Annilasia has become a tillishu, a skilled assassin with a shadowy past, Jalice is the revered wife of the Sachem, the chief of all tribes, and Delilee is […]

2022-02-28T05:43:25+02:00April 2nd, 2020|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |
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