Kaylin McFarren

Requiem for a Queen by Kaylin McFarren

Requiem for a Queen by Kaylin McFarren A superb installment of this sinister series of erotic thrillers, Requiem for a Queen by Kaylin McFarren launches readers into another hellish spiral of drama and action.

After cutting ties with the deceitful Nexus warriors from Book 2, Samara Daemonium is not only pregnant with the child of Lucifer, but is also being desperately sought by every force in Hell. The fallen queen Lucinda – Lucifer’s daughter – will stop at nothing to ensure that she is the heir to the demonic throne, even if that means taking over the underworld herself.

In this maelstrom of chaos and cosmic family […]

2022-09-02T17:24:51+02:00September 2nd, 2022|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

An Interview with Kaylin McFarren: Author of Soul Seeker

Kaylin McFarrenMy real name is Linda Yoshida but I write under the pen name of Kaylin McFarren — my grandmother’s name, a writer who was never published.

Kaylin McFarren has received 50 national literary awards, in addition to a prestigious RWA Golden Heart Award nomination for Flaherty’s Crossing – a book she and her oldest daughter, New York Times/USA Today best-selling author Kristina McMorris, co-wrote in 2008.

Prior to embarking on her writing journey and developing the popular Threads psychological thriller series, she poured her passion for creativity into her work as the director of a fine art gallery in the […]

2020-11-10T07:53:07+02:00November 7th, 2020|Categories: Interviews|Tags: |

Review: Soul Seeker by Kaylin McFarren

Soul Seeker by Kaylin McFarren

When a corrupted child grows into an unrepentantly evil young man, he must be stopped, and that will require the investigations of a horrified father and the services of a dedicated demon, in the colorfully complex fantasy by author Kaylin McFarren, Soul Seeker.

Firefighter Benjamin Poe is fed up with his lazy, complaining son Gabe, but those feelings amplify when there’s a fire at Gabe’s workplace, killing the three co-workers he particularly despised. Poe can’t help but try to learn more until he is confronted by a strange man with bright flashing eyes. Crighton is so well acquainted with […]

2020-10-27T08:10:47+02:00October 27th, 2020|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , |

High Flying by Kaylin McFarren

High Flying by Kaylin McFarren

High Flying, the bold novel by acclaimed author Kaylin McFarren, elevates the time travel genre to new heights – literally. It boasts an instantly engaging protagonist in the persona of Skylar Haines, a volatile powerhouse of a character with an adrenaline addiction and a dark, troubled past.

While flying a plane in one of her daredevil acts, Skylar Haines barely manages to make a safe landing during a terrifying storm, but soon realizes she has somehow slipped back in time. Faced with the prospect of being able to change her family’s past, Skylar must reckon with the timeless conundrum […]

2020-08-31T04:30:58+02:00May 2nd, 2019|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , , |

Twisted Threads by Kaylin McFarren

Twisted Threads by Kaylin McFarrenWho knew that a tropical cruise could be a health hazard – and for some, even deadly? Such is the case in Twisted Threads, Kaylin McFarren’s high-octane cruise ship whodunit, her fourth offering in the Threads series.

Former geisha, Akira, is now a trained assassin for a notorious Japanese crime syndicate led by the cold-blooded Mitsui-san. Her final assignment before being set free is to board a cruise ship, then identify and kill the person responsible for the death of Mitsui-san’s sister, Keiko, found dead two months earlier. Her short list of suspects point to a wealthy couple, but […]

2020-08-31T04:30:32+02:00December 14th, 2017|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |
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