
Cheerful Obedience by Patrick McLaughlin

Cheerful Obedience by Patrick McLaughlinAn eager young soldier comes of age through the smoke and strife of Vietnam in Cheerful Obedience by Patrick McLaughlin, a character-focused snapshot of that conflict’s dark legacy, and a powerful work of historical wartime fiction.

Conor McKall is an honorable protagonist – he understands his duty, sticks up for his comrades, and acts courageously in service to his country, but surviving in a war zone takes more than humility, patience, and resilience. As McKall moves up the chain into squad leader, he must navigate the day-to-day trudge of an ever-changing battlefield, including petty challenges to his leadership and explosive […]

2023-12-07T17:33:57+02:00December 7th, 2023|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

Review: Back to Serve by CW3 Cesare Giannetti

Back to Serve by CW3 Cesare Giannetti

Author and decorated veteran CW3 Cesare Giannetti U.S. Army (Ret.) draws readers into a fascinating crucible of loyalty, war, family, and self-determination in Back to Serve: Return of a Soldier.

Written as a fictional memoir of the similarly-named Captain Nico Corretti, the novel no doubt reflects the author’s own experience, but it is intriguingly woven together with the elements of a thriller. It is unusual for a military story to begin with the protagonist retiring from service, but Captain Corretti’s respite is short-lived, as his loyalty and willingness to sacrifice are endless. With a mother who died when he […]

2022-08-16T11:34:04+02:00June 17th, 2022|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , , |

Review: Letters to Sis by CW3 Cesare Giannetti

Letters to Sis by CW3 Cesare Giannetti

A stirring memoir in an unusual form, Letters to Sis by CW3 Cesare Giannetti is an intimate look into the everyday lives of ordinary servicemen, and a peek behind the curtain at the lives they leave behind.

A blend of non-fiction epistolary writing and narrative confession, this book is deeply personal and revealing about the author’s lived experiences, during his years before, during, and after serving in the US Army. Telling the story via letters gives the book genuine emotion and honesty in these scribbled snapshots of prose, while Giannetti’s dramatic accounts of his service fill in the blanks, providing […]

2022-08-08T07:20:52+02:00June 17th, 2022|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , , |

Review: 2359 Hours by Jack B.S. North

2359 Hours by Jack B.S. North

Immersing readers in the mind of a conflicted soldier desperately seeking inner peace, 2359 Hours by Jack B.S. North is a timely reflection on war, trauma, and the myriad roads to redemption.

Archie has attempted to overcome his devastating experiences in Afghanistan by moving to Canada, near his wartime comrades, but has found that all the ghosts of his past came along for the journey. Embarking in a new direction after being forged in a crucible of war is never easy, as this gritty and relentless story shows. The twist of this narrative, however, is that the novel takes place […]

2022-07-21T01:24:40+02:00June 8th, 2022|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: The Frog Hunter by TB Stamper

The Frog Hunter by TB Stamper

Author TB Stamper launches a searing blast of wartime memory in The Frog Hunter: A Story About the Vietnam War, an Inkblot Test and a Girl, a relentless memoir of Vietnam and the aftermath it wreaked for those soldiers who managed to come home.

From the author’s very first steps into the unknown, the story is engrossing and immersive, plunging readers into the swampy murk of Vietnam, along with all its unknown horrors, both physical and psychological. This memoir is also revelatory on a personal level, revealing Stamper in his pre-war state of mind – a clever rascal and […]

2022-03-29T02:07:57+02:00March 7th, 2022|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: Playing Soldier by F. Scott Service

Playing Soldier by F. Scott Service

A riveting reflection on life, loss, service, and sacrifice, Playing Soldier by F. Scott Service is an original and intense memoir that shakes up one’s assumptions of a soldier’s life before, during, and after a conflict.

The majority of this book takes place during Service’s time in the military and while stationed in Iraq, but notably, most of the action takes place in his mind, in the gritty details of his internal monologue, the dark patterns of his thoughts, and the brutal conversations he has in the solitude of service; a soldier may not be allowed to speak his mind, […]

2021-02-17T08:47:19+02:00February 9th, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: The Marvelous Orange Tree by Betsy L. Howell

The Marvelous Orange Tree by Betsy L. Howell

In The Marvelous Orange Tree by Betsy L. Howell, readers are transported from the simple plains of the Midwest to the murky Civil War battlegrounds of the deep South and everywhere in between, following the lives of two star-crossed souls as they struggle for acceptance, purpose, love, and survival.

Jennie Edwards and Robert Taylor lie firmly at the center of this story – one a rebellious young woman eager to hone newfound skills and masquerade as a man for the adventure of a lifetime, the other a directionless soldier coping with life in the military, crises of faith, and the […]

2020-02-21T06:18:33+02:00September 17th, 2019|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: Silent Spring: Deadly Autumn of the Vietnam War by Patrick Hogan

Silent Spring: Deadly Autumn of the Vietnam War by Patrick Hogan

There are those non-fiction books and memoirs that transport readers back in time, and then there are books like Silent Spring Deadly Autumn of the Vietnam War, which change one’s view of both the past and present in one fell swoop. Detailing the personal experience of the author, Patrick Hogan, a Staff Sergeant who served in Vietnam for three years, and the decades of his life that followed, this book is a shocking and eye-opening account of American military tactics and blatant disregard for human rights.

Most readers may already be aware of the stories of napalm and Agent […]

2020-02-21T06:17:33+02:00June 19th, 2019|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , , |
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