Nick Nikolov

An Interview with Nick Nikolov: Author of Worldender

Nick NikolovNick Nikolov used to read fantasy in high school and play a lot of video games, emphasis mainly on games. First encounter with amazing storytelling was in a game called “Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver” for a hard-to-come-by Playstation console – you read that right, the very first Playstation. The importance of amazing stories became starkly apparent since that encounter. In the coming years up until graduation from University with a bachelor’s degree in Automation, games were my main source of gripping narratives.

Upon entering the workforce, the need to create grew so great that a change had to be […]

2022-03-29T02:58:51+02:00March 28th, 2022|Categories: Interviews|Tags: |

Review: Worldender by Nick Nikolov

Worldender by Nick Nikolov

A pulse-pounding alien invasion novel, Nick Nikolov’s Worldender is a terrifying mixture of science fiction and horror.

When we first meet Lucy Castle, our unlikely hero, she’s participating in the illegal economy, dropping off some dangerous material for higher pay at her bike courier job. The drop goes south, but Lucy makes it out due to her physical prowess and exceptional combat skills. She then gets drunk and almost doesn’t make it on time to her second job, which is a fairly typical day in Lucy’s life – late nights, hiding her injuries – and she does it all for […]

2022-03-29T02:54:05+02:00March 17th, 2022|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , , |
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