Sri Manchala

Review: Crossing the Digital Faultline by Sri Manchala

Crossing the Digital Faultline by Sri Manchala

A modern guru of technological and societal dynamism, author Sri Manchala delivers a powerful and cutting-edge leadership manual in Crossing the Digital Faultline: 10 Rules Of Highly Successful Leaders In Digitalization.

Laid out in four intuitively ordered sections that explain the new paradigm of leadership, outlining rules for success, defining the personality of a methodical innovator, and laying out a path for applying the book’s critical lessons, Manchala makes it easy to consume his wide breadth of knowledge. From shifting consumer preferences and new avenues of digital access to disruptive technologies, evolving supply chains, international competition, and startup culture, […]

2022-01-05T03:08:26+02:00November 24th, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , , |

Review: Crossing the Digital Faultline by Sri Manchala

Crossing the Digital Faultline by Sri Manchala

Sri Manchala is a transformation expert, advising business leaders about not only the shining promise of new technologies, but also the hidden faultlines under the surface, in Crossing the Digital Faultline: 10 Leadership Rules to Win in the Age of Digitalization and Uncertainty.

Manchala begins his comprehensive overview by recounting his experience in Japan in March 2011. He and associates arrived the day before a huge earthquake and ensuing tsunami struck the island nation. Observing the widespread chaos and changes, he took charge, successfully navigating through the turmoil to ensure that he and his cohort would be able to […]

2021-11-24T05:55:54+02:00September 22nd, 2020|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , , |
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