Visionary Fiction

Review: Entanglement by C.T. Au-Yang

Entanglement by C.T. Au-Yang

Two very different minds collide in romance and conversation, exploring the deep themes of love, intellect, purpose and the future in Entanglement by C.T. Au-Yang. Self-described as a unique dissection of love and attraction, this unusual narrative depicts the classic tale of boy meets girl, but their strange connection is unlike any other.

Andrew is an intellectual, an introvert, and an observer – a researcher who has chosen to explore civilizations from the past and present to develop a model about Civilization DNA. He is also performing some personal experiments, namely stacking neural-enhancing supplements and acetylcholine, claiming to be acetylcholinergic, […]

2020-08-12T03:22:49+02:00July 5th, 2020|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , |

Review: Time’s Musicians by Mark Paul Oleksiw

Time's Musicians by Mark Paul Oleksiw

A bizarre, mind-bending story unfurls on the pages of Time’s Musicians by Mark Paul Oleksiw, an author with an imagination only matched by his delicate and authentic style. In this decade-spanning novel, the idea of connections across time and space mix with our boundaries of mental health, love, and reality itself.

When Billy meets Dieter, a young boy with an unfinished comic book who claims he can travel through time, he has no idea that it will set him on a life-defining course. Dieter disappears under mysterious circumstances and Billy’s family moves to give him a fresh start, at which […]

2020-04-02T05:56:08+02:00March 2nd, 2020|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

The Heartless Divine by Varsha Ravi

The Heartless Divine by Varsha Ravi

Author Varsha Ravi weaves a magnificent tale of secrets, gods, love, and fallen kingdoms in her enthralling debut novel, The Heartless Divine.

When an immortal with amnesia named Kiran nearly bleeds out in the doorway to Suri’s apartment, she has no idea that her life is about to change forever, nor that the young man could hold the key to all her tragic pasts.

Leaping between Suri’s modern-day existence and her life centuries ago as an assassin princess, this novel is a time- and mind-bending plunge into mythology, family, the power of memory, and the tangled web of destiny […]

2019-12-19T07:21:32+02:00December 19th, 2019|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

Review: After Olympus by Santiago Xaman

After Olympus by Santiago Xaman

Dabbling in mysticism, quasi-fiction, conspiracy theories, shadowy geopolitics and a healthy dose of mystery, After Olympus by author Santiago Xaman spans a broad and bizarre gamut of genres, making this an undeniably unique read in an age of carbon-copy thrillers.

The book is largely told directly from the mind of the apparent author, Santiago Xaman, with the novel presented as unearthed journal entries and scraps of memory. A screed of truth from a time in the past, these pages bear a secret that stretches from the 1960s to the modern day and beyond.

A downed Soviet spycraft bearing three mysterious […]

2019-12-11T08:49:10+02:00October 31st, 2019|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: Littlethumb Sneezed by Truant D. Memphis

Littlethumb Sneezed by Truant D. Memphis

When 10-year old Littlethumb Brooks emerged from the “Occurrence,” the world around him had not changed, but he had. Always sensitive, but now a precocious artist, he possesses a wiseness beyond his years. In front of him stands an amazing series of events involving his parents, a kind yet eager teacher, an evil rock-star, a devastating fire and a beautiful nanny. Littlethumb Sneezed by the creatively named Truant D. Memphis captivates and careens through mystery, love, and a head-spinning jaunt through the enigmatic art world.

The story begins on Coney Island where a caricature artist meets a nanny and the […]

2019-09-27T09:29:48+02:00August 17th, 2019|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , , |

Review: Sky Parlor by Stephen C. Perkins

Sky Parlor by Stephen C. Perkins

A mind-bending thrill of a novel, Sky Parlor by author Stephen C. Perkins has set an impressive new bar in the historical science fiction niche. Tracing the age-old battle between Artemis and Apollonia, and its different manifestations throughout human history (and future), the novel delivers an action-packed escape pod from reality, while also challenging readers to examine some new philosophical ideas about what it means to be human.

Like pawns in an infinitely complex board game of the gods, this wildly creative novel suggests that human beings return to this world in future lives, playing out new roles in an […]

Review: Tetrastatum by Tim Smith and Dr. Richard

Tetrastatum by Tim Smith and Dr. Richard

For those who think sci-fi is little more than futuristic space operas and allegorical cautionary tales, Terastatum, the new novel from Tim Smith and Dr. Richard, will certainly broaden your horizons. Inspired by the likes of other famous Richards – Feynman and Dawkins – this book is a wild and wise journey through time, space and some of the most complex fields of modern science.

The novel is founded on a truly boggling premise that there is another universe, just as massive and incalculable as the physical one, consisting of non-matter, known as a thotonic universe. Not only can […]

2019-09-06T06:42:41+02:00July 18th, 2019|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , , |

Review: Epiphany’s Gift by Mallory M. O’Connor

Epiphany's Gift by Mallory M. O'Connor

Any reader of popular fiction knows that underestimating the unlikely heroine is never a good idea, and this is poignantly restated in Epiphany’s Gift, a timely thriller by Mallory M. O’Connor.

Epiphany Mayall stands in the center of this story, while a storm of corporate corruption, spiritual energy, betrayal, climate change and grief swirl around her. Returning to Ohio to see her nonagenarian mother, Epiphany must face the difficult past she left behind so long ago, but this time with the wisdom of age.

Epiphany has known she was special since birth – always able to read the energies […]

2019-06-04T03:06:40+02:00May 9th, 2019|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |
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