Visionary Fiction

Seven Beyond by Stella Atrium

Seven Beyond by Stella Atrium Wielding a wickedly original pen and a universe-shattering imagination, author Stella Atrium delivers a tour de force of sci-fi fantasy in her sprawling novel, Seven Beyond.

Presenting an unseen world of immortals and powerful beings, as well as alien races that have intermixed with humanity, this novel is a symbolic and allegorical tale of spiritual connection, and the dark edges of consciousness beyond our understanding. Dr. Meenins sits firmly at the center of this story, as he is taken on an internal journey to free his troubled mind, embarking on this metaphysical quest to perhaps find the answers to […]

2023-05-23T16:49:34+02:00June 10th, 2022|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , , , |

Review: Amren: Life After by T. Ethan Glassel

Amren: Life After by T. Ethan Glassel

Author T. Ethan Glassel spins a visionary tale of humanity’s potential future in Amren: Life After, a philosophical thriller delving into deep questions of mortality, purpose, freedom, and justice.

Gabriel Gamont is a respected academic who has written extensively on divrils – the previously dominant species on a planet where humanity has expanded. When his own divril servant and research subject, Amren, repeatedly comes back from the dead, the Master realizes just how little he truly knows.

From the very first chapter, it is clear that this novel will be a meditation and exploration of death – both its […]

2022-04-08T06:22:17+02:00March 14th, 2022|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: Ezekiel’s Awakening Into Light by Aubrey Wharton

Ezekiel's Awakening Into Light by Aubrey Wharton

Take an eye-opening journey through the trials of spiritual enlightenment with Ezekiel’s Awakening Into Light by Aubrey Wharton, a thoughtful meditation on following your own unique path.

Ezekiel left his life and love behind to become a devotee of an ashram on the other side of the world, but it didn’t take long before he struck out again on his own, to the great chagrin and rebuke of his brother monks. Leaving his two-man transcendental band behind, Ezekiel embarked on a “journey to nowhere” – more specifically, to Florida, abandoning the life of pure asceticism and brotherhood for solitude and […]

2021-11-30T05:10:05+02:00November 28th, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , |

Review: Orpheus Rising by Lance Lee

Orpheus Rising by Lance Lee

A masterful retelling of a lesser-known myth, Orpheus Rising by Lance Lee places a striking modern lens on the timeless struggles of self-control, sacrifice, grief, and acceptance.

John is a stymied writer who shares a small house with his son, Sam, along with sharing a deep and pervasive emptiness – his wife, Sam’s mother, Madelyn, was taken too soon. However, when a mysterious self-writing book arrives at their door, one that allows them to dictate their dreams, or even bring them to life, the story opens up into a uniquely imaginative world.

After entering the realm of Sam’s imagination, they […]

2021-08-17T04:03:37+02:00July 30th, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , |

Review: The Iljjock Yoke by Anita Vaani

The Iljjock Yoke by Anita Vaani

A young cowherd’s life is turned upside-down when he’s whisked away from the 3rd century BC to an incredible realm of the divine in The Iljjock Yoke by Anita Vaani, the first book in the Yadduk and the Gods of Seabor series.

This is an endlessly inventive novel,  filled with ancient mythology, plenty of humor, plot twists, time warps, and a seemingly hapless protagonist discovering the untapped strength inside himself. After being dragged through the cosmos and arriving on Seabor, Yadduk’s eyes are opened to the bizarre lifestyles and plans of the fickle gods, who seem to hold a […]

2021-02-02T09:57:55+02:00January 15th, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: The Friends of Allan Renner by Dave J. Andrae

The Friends of Allan Renner by Dave J. Andrae

Readers are welcomed into the most intimate moments of a truly strange existence in The Friends of Allan Renner by Dave J. Andrae, a masterful piece of narrative fiction. Divided into seven very different but interconnected stories, this collection exposes the fascinating inner life of Renner through vignettes of his bizarre relationships. At times a heady blend of philosophy and cultural allusions, this is a dense semi-sci-fi read that cleverly roasts human nature, while also celebrating its temerity and curiosity.

Renner initially reads as an average protagonist, but an ironically extraordinary one, with a whip-smart memory, a deft tongue, and […]

2021-01-20T10:46:28+02:00December 22nd, 2020|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Do You Believe in the Afterlife? by G D Harrison

Do You Believe in the Afterlife? by G D HarrisonAuthor G D Harrison plunges readers into the murky grey space between death, life, truth and lies in Do You Believe in the Afterlife? – a mind-bending, thought-provoking novel.

A dead man defies logic when some part of his Essence remains in his deceased body, so two determined doctors backtrack through his life, eager to find what makes him quite so special. With an eccentric sci-fi tone and the tension of a psychological thriller, readers follow Lester’s fate on his revelatory journey, one that raises more questions than it answers. This cerebral adventure is challenging, but rewarding, and is expertly […]

2020-10-16T03:45:08+02:00October 15th, 2020|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

The Rewriting of Time by Konrad Koenigsmann

The Rewriting of Time by Konrad Koenigsmann

With the same puckish creativity and futuristic vision of the previous novels, The Rewriting of Time is an impressive close to author Konrad Koenigsmann’s debut trilogy.

The visionary realm that Pierre formed following the defeat of the Entity is quite close to perfect, but there is trouble brewing within The Council, and since the essence of the Entity is forever entangled with Pierre Hartford, he remains a dangerous risk. Wrestling with his own desires for intellectual advancement and happiness, Pierre must learn to wield his incredible powers and step fully into his potential, while also protecting the New world he […]

2020-07-13T06:27:58+02:00July 13th, 2020|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |
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