Xingu Fawcett

Farewell to Follies by Xingu Fawcett

Farewell to Follies by Xingu Fawcett

Farewell to Follies establishes Xingu Fawcett as a formidable short story writer with a firm finger on the pulse of human nature, as well as the natural world.

These stories vary wildly in their subject matter, but the underlying themes are universal – wrestling with death, balancing nature and the city, exploring unknown places, and the long-term impact of trauma. With an artful, yet sensitive approach to these issues, the stories are both harrowing and heart-warming. Fawcett understands the dynamic nature of life, and seamlessly presents complex characters from different times, social backgrounds, and life paths.

Whether writing about Parisian […]

2018-10-15T06:38:57+02:00October 8th, 2018|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

Blowout by Xingu Fawcett

Blowout by Xingu Fawcett

Looking at humanity’s most pressing issues head-on can be overwhelming, but in Blowout, author Xingu Fawcett stares down the barrel of global crises, and forces readers to watch.

Some of the most complex problems humans face as a globalized society, and a species, are addressed through the story of three star-crossed lovers in Brazil. The sexual appetites of Fabiola, the inner turmoil of Camilla and the rippling-muscled man mixed between them would make for a great novel alone, but this exploration of sex, greed, and survival has far more interesting overtones.

The decadence of the social elite is explored […]

2018-10-08T06:01:40+02:00February 16th, 2018|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |
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