Young Adult Book Reviews

Review: Tomorrow We Die by E.R. Raabe

Tomorrow We Die by E.R. Raabe

In this strange and troubling land, all young men are doomed to turn into dogs and die before they can reach the age of thirty. The curse leaves many with no hope for a future, either hoping for something great at a young age, or simply accepting an empty existence.

Seventeen-year-old Hippolyte Falcor is one such young man, caught up in a life of crime and escaped convictions. When he and his pack of fellows pick the wrong pocket, Hippolyte ends up in the mercy of the law, shackled to bodyguard duty for one Alex mac Fauks. But Alex offers […]

2019-02-11T08:42:44+02:00October 13th, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

The Emperor Returns by William Durkin and Shayne Durkin

TERIn 2014, a ten-year-old girl asked her father if he could assist her in writing a book. That book was Emperor Norton’s Treasure Hunt, a “real life adventure” based in 1950s San Francisco – a local paper devises a treasure hunt with clues in their publication in order to boost sales and win the war for newspaper supremacy in the city.

The Emperor Returns is the sequel to the Durkin duo’s debut hit, starting off at the launch of Sputnik 1, two years after the San Francisco Chronicle’s infamous endeavor. The team are ripe for a new venture, […]

An Interview with Eli Bloom: Author of SEER: The Ghosts of Gray Fable

Eli Bloom Author PhotoEli Bloom is a mysterious young adult writer living in Los Angeles. He believes in ghosts. SEER: The Ghosts of Gray Fable is his first novel.

Tell us something about your book. The basics: what’s it about?

SEER is about 15-year-old girl, Grace Fable, who’s been able to see ghosts since she was six. When her single-father dad moves in with his girlfriend, Grace has to transfer to Willowbrook High School in California, the scene of a school shooting five years earlier. Soon she meets the ghosts of everyone involved in the shooting that day who tell her about someone […]

2020-02-21T07:21:12+02:00September 6th, 2016|Categories: Interviews|Tags: , |

Review: Stumbling On A Tale (Time to Time #2) by Suzanne Roche

★★★★½ Stumbling on a Tale by Suzanne Roche

It all started with a book. Now three siblings are stuck together, traveling through time, once again…whether they like it or not.

Join Peri, Henry, and Max – two siblings and a half, in reverse order – as they make their way from the high spirits and high seas of an immigration ship en route to New York, and on to new adventures in the Middle Ages. Lost together in a forest after another of Peri’s bright ideas, the three find unlikely companions in a group of colorful travelers: a man and his pig, a maid searching for a […]

Review: SEER: The Ghosts of Gray Fable by Eli Bloom

★★★★½ SEER: The Ghosts of Gray Fable

SEER: The Ghosts of Gray Fable by Eli Bloom is a chilling and thrilling YA novel.

With a bold plot line and an unforgettable protagonist, SEER instantly stands out as a paranormal classic. Author Eli Bloom captures youth, innocence and courage within these pages, while brushing on topical subjects that will strike a chord in readers of any age.

While the premise of the book makes it seem as though this book focuses heavily on the events of the possible school shooting, and everything Gray Fable might do to stop it, the writer is more keenly interested in revealing […]

Journeys of the Agenyre: Masters of the Will: The Hunt for the Golden Watch by Adrian Ray

Journeys of the Agenyre-Masters of the WillJourneys of the Agenyre: Masters of the Will: The Hunt for the Golden Watch by Adrian Ray is a young adult fantasy novel with an intriguing premise, making for a good start to a new fantasy series. Aarron Hutches and Anna-Lisa Ammerson are Agenyre, otherwise known as Will Masters, who are able to bend elements at will. This is much more than standard elements like fire and water: they can bend spirit, heart, space, time, energy, and even more. The two teens go on a quest using their abilities to find a magical artifact split into four parts, which could […]

2016-08-31T07:26:00+02:00August 31st, 2016|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

The Path of Peace (The Cremelino Prophecy Book 3) by Mike Shelton

The Path of Peace (The Cremelino Prophecy Book 3) The Path of Peace by Michael Shelton is an action-packed and fitting end to the The Cremelino Prophecy trilogy. Darius is now king and still not in complete control of his magical powers. He sees only good in everyone, which works both for and against him in his quest for peace in the realm with many vying for power. The mysterious Cremelino horses may just provide the key magical ingredient to restore balance, making Darius’s path complete.

The novel is packed with multiple story lines that are masterfully woven together. The progression of the characters is satisfying with each character […]

2016-08-12T07:45:23+02:00August 12th, 2016|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

Review: The Muses: Vengeance of Time by N.L. McEvoy

★★★★ The Muses: Vengeance of Time by N.L. McEvoy

The Muses: Vengeance of Time is the sequel to N.L. McEvoy’s Escaping Montague Manor, following Sarah and Nickolas McGuire on another harrowing adventure with the mystical muses.  This time, Sarah and Nickolas aren’t as intent on escaping their Great-Aunt Vivian’s clutches as they are on reentering them.

When the children’s cousin, Simon, comes down with a mysterious and excruciatingly painful illness, they have no choice but to contact the powerful muses, whom they had previously freed from the machinations of their evil great-aunt and her benefactor, Dr. James.  With the diplomatic Brigitta, herculean Bard, stoic Deidre, clandestine Charles, […]

2016-09-05T10:28:27+02:00August 8th, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |
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