Young Adult Book Reviews

Review: New Age Lamians (The Lamian Trilogy Book 1) by Didi Oviatt

★★★★ New Age Lamians by Didi Oviatt

New Age Lamians (The Lamian Trilogy Book 1) by Didi Oviatt is a unique and addictive YA adventure.

It is becoming increasingly difficult to find a new angle on the post-apocalyptic genre, as the recent popularity of this topic has led to hundreds of new books trying to capture the horrors of a dystopian future. The YA genre has been less inundated with these types of stories, however, and Didi Oviatt’s new novel, New Age Lamians, stands out as a truly creative and engaging story. The premise of the novel is bleak – a planet that has been […]

Review: Connected by Kat Stiles

★★★★ Connected by Kat Stiles

Connected by Kat Stiles is an entertaining paranormal escape for young adult readers.

Emily is a high school student who doesn’t feel like she fits in. To make matters worse, Em discovers she has a special power. Fortunately, she isn’t alone and her best friend Roz has her own gift. Tommy, the boy Em likes, seems to be different as well. When people in their town start to die, Em, Roz, and Tommy join forces to find a murderer.

The theme in Connected is intriguing and inspirational for younger readers in a world that is becoming increasingly more disconnected. […]

Review: A Tale of Witchwood Park by S.W. Develin

★★★★½ A Tale of Witchwood Park by S.W. Develin

A Tale of Witchwood Park by S.W. Develin is a heartfelt, humorous and insightful adventure.

Important life lessons come in many forms, and the boundless creativity of A Tale of Witchwood Park follows in that tradition – a memorable, amusing and profound piece of fantasy fiction for young readers. Based in the proud history of the magical genre, an unlikely band of heroes are assembled for a harrowing adventure to save the world from evil forces.

These young adventurers, however, have all the qualities of normal children, so they must not only overcome the False Queen and her minions, […]

The Path of Decisions (The Cremelino Prophecy Book 2) by Mike Shelton

The Path of Decisions (The Cremelino Prophecy Book 2) The Path of Decisions follows The Path of Destiny in which Darius finds he has magic powers in a realm that forbids the use of magic. In the second book of the series, Darius is now first commander of the King’s Elite Army and is still coming to terms with his magical abilities, and he’s torn between following the King or his own path. Christine and Kelln are fighting battles of their own, and Kelln must warn Darius of the threat from an evil wizard. The decisions that they make will affect not only the Kingdom, but their relationships with […]

2016-08-12T07:45:43+02:00June 9th, 2016|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

The Path of Destiny (The Cremelino Prophecy #1) by Mike Shelton

The Path Of Destiny by Mike SheltonThe Path Of Destiny (The Cremelino Prophecy #1) by Mike Shelton is an exciting and character-rich young adult fantasy novel following the life of Darius, son of a councilor of the King of The Realm, who discovers he has the ability to create fire. Magic is forbidden in The Realm after a wizard rebellion a century before, so Darius is at risk of being banished from his home. Darius must choose whether or not to use his new powers, but finds he may have no choice at all.

Author Mike Shelton is expert at world building: both the world the […]

2016-08-12T07:45:57+02:00May 25th, 2016|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

Review: Our Wild and Precious Lives by A.G. Russo

★★★★½  Our Wild and Precious Lives by A.G. Russo

Our Wild and Precious Lives by A.G. Russo is heartfelt and heart-wrenching – an unexpected knockout.

The YA genre often lacks the emotional depth of adult fiction, and with good reason – young adults might be unable to appreciate traditional “adult” themes. In A.G. Russo’s emotional masterpiece, Our Wild and Precious Lives, the boundaries of this genre are bent and even broken in certain places. The mature tone and depth of feeling are impressive, to say the least. The setting of Cold War Germany and the thoroughly developed characters lend the book a great deal of authenticity, and […]

2016-06-13T09:15:44+02:00May 4th, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

The Improbable Rise of Paco Jones by Dominic Carrillo

The Improbable Rise of Paco JonesThe Improbable Rise of Paco Jones by Dominic Carrillo is about the awkwardness of teenage years through the eyes of Bi-racial Paco Jones. Paco transfers to a rich high school from a poor neighborhood. It doesn’t help matters in his new environment that he’s fairly odd-looking, with an unsightly birthmark on his neck, pigeon toes, and overly-hairy arms, so he’s teased mercilessly by his classmates. He then falls for the most popular girl in class, who has a boyfriend, and is tasked as an eighth-grade Cyrano by her boyfriend. Soon Paco finds himself at the center of a whole lot […]

2016-04-14T08:23:30+02:00April 14th, 2016|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Joseph Van Pearce and the Prophecy of the Dragon’s Head Medallion by C.C. Brampton

Joseph Van Pearce and the Prophecy of the Dragon's Head MedallionJoseph Van Pearce and the Prophecy of the Dragon’s Head Medallion by C.C. Brampton follows Joseph Van Pearce, a moody teenager who’s lost his father, tearing his family apart, and he can’t focus on much of anything. His luck’s about to change when he finds a mysterious photograph, which leads him to discover that he’s the guardian of a mysterious medallion. Meanwhile, he’s being followed by an evil crow-like creature that wants the powerful Dragon’s Head Medallion for itself, and now Joseph has to save his family in more ways than one.

The novel is a great mixture of modern-day […]

2016-04-05T12:17:29+02:00April 5th, 2016|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |
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