Apple of My I: The Four Practices of Self-LoveApple of My I: The Four Practices of Self-Love: Tools for Authentic Living in a Chaotic World is a self-help book to help people live a healthier life, both mentally and physically. The latter is the most important part of the book’s premise, as Maros’ emphasis is on looking to the body’s signals to understand the workings of the mind. If you hate yourself, your body will suffer. If you hate your body, the reverse will happen. Only when the two facets of a person are in alignment will a person fully realize their potential.

Apple of My I practices the Authenticity Method, a series of steps to increase self-worth in order to interact more effectively with other people. The term “self-love” is often used as a pejorative, related to self-obsession and narcissism. When you throw body love into the mix, the Authenticity Process could appear to be superficial. However, there’s a difference between “pride” and “arrogance,” and Maros’ self-help guide emphasizes a healthy respect for oneself, and does a thorough and commendable job of helping people overcome their self-hate and insecurity.

Self-help books can sometimes be filled with vague platitudes. Apple of My I does not fall into this trap and is enormously detailed, covering the notion of positive self-love from every possible angle. The Authenticity Process seems to be a highly-effective path for anyone to follow. As a result, the book is encouraging and inspiring, and Maros’ tools and techniques should be very helpful to a great many readers.

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