Diary of a Dead Dreamer by N.C. CummingsTold in a series of diary entries, Diary of a Dead Dreamer by N.C. Cummings takes us into a world of dreams, obsession, suspense, and murder.

When another student by the name of Sadie moves into the boarding house Elizabeth lives in, things change drastically. Her arrival seems to ward off Elizabeth’s nightmares of an old-fashioned female student, so long as they spend time together. Elizabeth’s devotion to Sadie takes the characters down a path they’re not sure they want to be on. After turning in an old diary thought to belong to the girl in her dreams to the police, Elizabeth hopes that things will return to normal. She couldn’t have been more wrong.

While Elizabeth starts out as a loner pouring her heart and soul out while writing in her diary, she doesn’t stay that way for long, and following her path in the diary is fast-paced and engrossing, as it shows how the supernatural and her real life relationships impact her decisions. Her voice at times seems much younger than a college freshman, and the end comes far too abruptly, but there is a core breeziness to the whole narrative, given Elizabeth’s spirited diary entries.

All in all, Diary of a Dead Dreamer is a novella that makes good on its evocative title, and will be especially appealing to readers of YA supernatural fiction.


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