Robert BartlettRobert has lived all around the United States at one time or another for brief periods. Born in Northern Virginia, he is now a happily married father of four, residing just outside of Charlotte, North Carolina. He developed his passion for writing at an early age, mostly through poetry, being published for the first time at seventeen. Later, with his love of the outdoors and with a survivalist mentality, his passion evolved into writing short stories and finally into full length novels focusing mainly in the post-apocalyptic/horror and the suspense/thriller genres.

With two titles already under his belt, (the post-apocalyptic A Time of Darkness: Book One – Scattering the Ashes and the suspense/thriller Three Days in Autumn) and a third underway, he continuously aspires to make his passion for writing his livelihood, assiduously pursuing his dreams and setting goals to make this happen.

Tell us about your book.

Three Days in Autumn is at its roots, a story about the triumph of family love, loyalty, and values. As Cole and the others go through the ordeals of a chaotic 72 hours in the mountains of North Carolina, you see all these traits come together in an intricate web of integrity and morals as they all struggle to find the strength to continue to move forward.

Why did you want to write a book?

Writing has always been a passion of mine. That empty spot within, that could only be filled through the art of words.

Why did you choose to self-publish?

Choosing to self publish was a well thought out decision; a decision that my family and I did not make lightly. With challenges throughout this industry, I welcomed the opportunity to self publish with Authorhouse. I felt I would be able to learn, grow, and build an author platform all while still able to take advantage of future opportunities this industry has to offer.

Would you self-publish again?

I would definitely self-publish again. It has been a valuable and rewarding learning experience.

Three Days in Autumn by Robert BartlettWhat do you think are the main pitfalls for indie writers?

Being an author is a business and should not be treated as anything less. Once your novel has been written, the REAL work begins. Indie authors don’t have the same opportunities as traditionally published authors. Therefore, research, marketing, networking, and never giving up is key for today’s indie author. Being thorough in these areas will help authors succeed in long term goals. Rushing and lacking in these areas can be possible major pitfalls for any author.

As a writer, what is your schedule? How do you get the job done?

Finding time to commit to your passion of writing can be difficult for Indie Authors. Some of us have to juggle being a spouse, a parent, working full time, and more all while trying to find time to write and market your novels. I worked full time while writing my first novel, A Time of Darkness, Book One: Scattering the Ashes. It took extreme motivation for myself as well as support from my family. Setting a specific schedule for myself and not veering from it was the only way for me to stay on task and reach my goal. Now, I have the opportunity to work on my goals full time so I have been able to set a new schedule and balance life differently. Making a strict timeline/schedule and sticking to it is key!

How do you deal with writer’s block?

I received the best advice when asking the same question to other authors in the industry. When I hit a creative lull, I have two, sometimes three stories going at once. When one idea slows down, I jump to the next one, going back and forth approaching with fresh eyes and fresh ideas each time.

Who are your biggest writing inspirations and why?

Immediately I have to give a tip of my hat to Edgar Allen Poe. He and Lovecraft are the godfathers of American Horror. But, for me I’ve always been more into Poe. Stephen King is another, for his ability to cross genre lines. From horror classics like Salem’s Lot to Sci-Fi based “The Dark Tower Series” to wonderfully orchestrated drama thrillers such as “The Green Mile”. Then there is Jack London. White Fang and Call of the Wild made me fall in love with reading from a very early age. Without him and those novels, I may not be who and where I am today.

How do your friends and family get involved with your writing? What do they think of your book?

I can say with absolute conviction that I would have never been able to accomplish or thought I could accomplish any of this without my family. My wife and now publicist supports my dreams and passions by sharing in our ultimate goals together. My children inspire me and keep me motivated. Helping to spread the word about my novels or accompanying me to an author event/signing. An indie author can be made or unmade by the people they have around them supporting them.

What are your plans now your book is published?

Now that I have had two novels published I plan to continue my journey and growth. I will be seeking out and researching for more opportunities to expand my author platform. While marketing and promoting my two recently published novels, I will continue to write. I have already begun my third novel as well as outlining several other novels for my future in this industry.

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