Undead: A Max Ahlgren NovelUndead, the new novel by Ryan A. Aslesen, and the second in the Crucible series, is a refreshing take on zombie fiction in a crowded genre.

Max Alghren narrowly escaped in Alaska when he first crossed paths with the alien life form that could threaten all of humanity. When he is presented with a way to uncover the truth about his painful past, he once again puts his life on the line and leaps into the alien fray, this time in North Korea, with even higher stakes and more unbelievable monsters.

With graphic and gruesome descriptions, terrifying creatures, and thrilling action scenes peppering these pages, Aslesen has unleashed an impressive sophomore installment. This adventure into the wilds of North Korea has a constant edge of darkness, and maintaining that suspense over the course of an entire novel is impressive. In such an action-heavy book, one might not expect attention to dialogue and characters, but here the interactions are sharp and entertaining, and each character is well-developed.

Aslesen has covered all his bases, providing enough motivation and backstory to make the plot credible and engaging. This is not a novel for the faint of heart, so don’t be surprised if some of the twists make you jump. A stellar series for zombie aficionados.

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