Micro Democracy: The Democracy Revolution of the Information Era by Aaron RanAuthor Aaron Ran pens a passionate and thoroughly considered guideline for the future in Micro Democracy: The Democracy Revolution of the Information Era.

Given the rise and rapid evolution of communications technology, and the seemingly boundless capacity of the Internet, and soon quantum computing and AI, the author believes that a fundamental shift in terms of government, authority, justice, and decision-making must occur if we are to prosper and reach our potential as a global species.

Not only does he propose a new plan, but also analyzes and deconstructs the old broken systems, so while some of his ideas seem radical, there is clearly a pragmatic and logical process at work. Touching on many of the major areas where change would have occur, such as voting, human rights, delegation, and geopolitics, the author presents a cogent case for dramatic social revolution.

Unfortunately, as a non-native speaker, much of the power behind the words is lost, as the book requires comprehensive  reworking before it can be consumed by a broader market. There are poorly worded idioms, grammatical errors in nearly every paragraph, and tangled sentence structure that undercuts the authority and ideas being presented. While Ran’s vision for the future is detailed and incredibly timely, the lack of editing reduces this potentially thought-provoking and revolution-sparking book to something of an awkward manifesto.

That being said, the amount of research and planning to develop the infrastructure of these ideas is significant and obvious, so in a more sophisticated state, Micro Democracy could be a fascinating proposal for the future.

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