Secondhand Emotions by Will EntrekinA romantic sojourn of an eager-to-please lover finding his way in the world, Secondhand Emotions by Will Entrekin is a steamy but unusual tale of sex and psychology.

Donovan Malone pulls readers through the personal experience of desire, depression, and “extreme empathy” of his collegiate years, but his hormonal throes of passion are anything but average. After discovering that he can sense the feelings and thoughts of his sexual partners, Donovan is driven to explore where this invasive power comes from, and how it can be controlled before it ruins his honest chance at happiness forever.

While many erotic-leaning reads tend towards cliché descriptions of romance, there is a beautiful innocence and a tone of authentic discovery in Donovan’s narration. The more mysterious parts of the story, such as his ability to read the minds of his lovers after their most intimate moments, are bridged with a scientific curiosity and analysis of the brain and body in love.

The rest of the narrative is carefully penned and sporadically poetic, giving the story an epic feel. Donovan’s relationship with his roommate Jams is especially unique, delving into discussions of sexuality, philosophy, and morality that male characters don’t often explore in conversation.

Steeped in fascinating questions, this provocative take on youth, connection, love, and loss is at once deeply emotive and page-turning.

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