Visionary Fiction

Review: Search for Complete by Stephen G. Hardy

Search for Complete by Stephen G. Hardy

Poetic, philosophical, and imaginative, Search for Complete by Stephen G. Hardy is a novel about love, loneliness, and friendship within a delightful fantasy framework.

As Christopher, Laura, and David strive to find their own paths to happiness, the reader is guided through a whirlwind of emotions and insightful examinations of each character’s psyche. Both lyrical and symbolic, this book manages exactly to do what its title suggests – not give straightforward, easy answers on how to achieve “completeness,” but rather to beautifully describe the twists and turns of the journey towards happiness.

Christopher has just moved away from Seattle for […]

2023-10-20T10:49:30+02:00September 6th, 2023|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: The Borderlands of Forever by Jeff B. Willey

The Borderlands of Forever by Jeff B. Willey

Spiraling forward through time, space, evolution, and human exploration, The Borderlands of Forever by Jeff B. Willey is an experimental and exceptionally well-written novel depicting our species’ tragic and star-bound future.

In this sprawling portal into the future, the second half of the 21st century is punctuated by the discovery of inter-dimensional enemies and the collapse of freedom as we know it. That’s nothing compared to the cataclysmic events leading into the 22nd century, including the blending of man and machine, and violent pushbacks against these autags and cyborgs. Eventually, the machine intelligence on Earth wins out, and a point […]

2023-03-29T11:07:24+02:00February 27th, 2023|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: Entanglement – Quantum and Otherwise by John K. Danenbarger

Entanglement - Quantum and Otherwise by John Danenbarger

An awe-inspiring novel, Entanglement – Quantum and Otherwise by John K. Danenbarger is a story of crime, death, love, and the contradictory nature of human relationships. Tied together by what could seem almost like destiny, Geena, Beth, Kevin, Davis, Joe, and Martin are entangled in a deeply moving novel where there is neither total damnation nor the hope for full redemption.

Professor Martin Case, Joe’s lover of many years, is working on an important theory in the field of quantum physics. He believes his work, craftily hidden to protect his discovery, will change the world, merging the lines between science […]

2023-03-01T16:03:23+02:00January 10th, 2023|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: The Message by Bill Harvey

The Message by Bill Harvey

A sci-fi thriller replete with psychic energy and covert intel action, The Message by Bill Harvey is a creative chapter of an expansive near-future world.

Instilled with the quiet knowledge that he was always destined for a greater purpose than an anonymous military life, Martin Williams is the perfect reluctant hero protagonist. His uncanny hunches, guided by “the advisor in his mind,” have made him a renowned military man, but hint that his instincts may be heightened by dormant psychic abilities. The world is changing, and the rules of war continue to shift, as do the weapons.

Williams is unexpectedly […]

2023-02-28T14:15:49+02:00January 3rd, 2023|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , , |

Review: Earth: The Next Trillion Years by Marcy Mekleerer

Earth: The Next Trillion Years by Marcy Mekleerer

A philosophical and narrative exploration of everything from computer science and genetic mutation to sentience and morality, Earth: The Next Trillion Years by Marcy Mekleerer is an ambitious, thought-provoking, and eye-opening work of visionary science fiction.

Near the end of the 21st century, an alien life form from Alpha Centauri lands in the Brazilian jungle and begins its deadly spread – mindlessly consuming everything in its path as the world numbly watches. Dr. Kacela, the first on the scene of this extraterrestrial invasion, must set her formidable skills in biomolecular and genetic engineering to the test, even as humanity begins […]

2022-10-10T11:32:52+02:00September 15th, 2022|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: The Navajo Event by Rick Fishman

The Navajo Event by Rick Fishman

Author Rick Fishman takes readers on a spiritual journey through loss, miracles, and meaning in The Navajo Event: Proof of God’s Existence, an original and decidedly unorthodox exploration of faith and trust.

Following a tragic fire that took her husband’s life and left her broken and badly burned, Carli is facing a long and painful recovery. Her parents, Roland and Laura, are heartbroken, but when Roland’s cousin and some old friends from a local Navajo tribe come for a visit, seemingly impossible hope is suddenly reborn.

A legendary medicine man named Rising Sun has offered to perform a healing […]

2022-09-23T13:15:24+02:00September 7th, 2022|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

RotaryPug by Michael Honig

RotaryPug by Michael J. Honig Peeling back the layers of the afterlife with his imaginative pen, Michael Honig delivers a macabre and thought-provoking read with his novel RotaryPug.

John Castlemaine is dead, under grim and unusual circumstances, but his eternal soul must still be judged. Thus begins his existential wanders through an in-between realm, where he must examine the value and impact of his somewhat ignoble life. Castlemaine is an intriguing figure at the story’s center, introspective and empathetic, as he wanders the mysterious realm of RotaryPug. Somewhere between a nightmare, a hallucination, and a dire warning, the story is undeniably original, adding far […]

2022-09-06T16:00:47+02:00September 5th, 2022|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Review: Ancient Architect by K.S. Temple

Ancient Architect by K.S. Temple

Exploring new-age ideologies, ancient mysticism, and one man’s journey toward unexpected destiny, Ancient Architect: A Fictional Order Out of Chaos by K.S. Temple is a heady novel of self-discovery.

Initially spurred on by his struggle to find peaceful sleep, Emmanuel seeks out Dr. Madruga, who begins to reveal the truth about the subject matter of his dreams – and nightmares. Before her untimely arrest, he undergoes an unusual neurological study with the good doctor, during which it is revealed to him that he may be the second coming of Christ.

He takes this daunting news well, albeit jokingly at first, […]

2022-08-22T13:29:30+02:00July 10th, 2022|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |
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