Stanley ChaoStanley Chao has been doing working in China for over 20+ years assisting small and medium-sized companies in their China business. His company, All In Consulting, has done over 200 projects for over 100 Western companies. Chao resides in Los Angeles.

 Tell us about your book.

Selling to China is a primer for any business wanting to go to China, or has gone to China and failed. It’s based on my 20+ years of doing business in China and my advise is based on real business cases and lessons.

Why did you want to write a book?

No one has written a book about China business for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). We all know what Apple, Starbucks and Boeing are doing in China, but what they do doesn’t resonate with smaller companies wanting to go to China. My book addresses their needs.

Why did you choose to self-publish?

My China advice is timely and will go out of date within two years. It just took long to work with a traditional publishing house.

Would you self-publish again?

Yes, you have total control of everything – the content, cover, etc.

Selling to China by Stanley ChaoWhat tips can you give other authors looking to self-publish?

Work with an author who has already self-published. They can guide you through the process, rather than making the same mistakes again.

What was your steepest learning curve during the publishing process?

I’m not a publishing expert, so I don’t know what’s the best fonts to use, or the best colors for the cover, or the proper book size. I had to learn everything from scratch.

What are your plans now your book is published?

The book is a calling card for my consulting work. I will go on a nationwide speaking tour to promote both the book and my consulting business.

What did you learn on your journey as an author?

It really makes you think about your subject. You are putting something in writing so you better take the time to make sure it’s really what you believe.

What’s next for you as an author?

I’d like to write about China’s social economic issues – poverty, aging, effects of the one-child policy, education, and middle class.

What was the best part in your self-publishing experience?

I love the marketing and selling of my book. I’m meeting journalists, business people, and people just interested reading about China. I also get to travel to places – Omaha, Lexington (KY), Baton Rouge, Portland (ME) – that I would have never thought of going to.

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